Update from BCMS Missionary Frantzdy Francois

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Pastor Frantzdy Francois, serving in Pedernales, Dominican Republic, has provided an update on the ministry’s work among a vulnerable population facing significant challenges.

Many people have fled Port-au-Prince, Haiti, due to the ongoing dangers and instability. Those seeking refuge near Pedernales have built temporary homes just over the border. However, these individuals face the constant threat of deportation or displacement by authorities.

These makeshift dwellings, now empty, illustrate the precarious situation faced by many Haitians in Pedernales. Their displacement and the temporary nature of their living conditions create an uncertain future, particularly for women and children.

Pastor Frantzdy had the privilege of ministering to these communities for months, sharing the Gospel, providing Bible studies, and offering food and medication. These interactions created valuable opportunities to counsel and encourage them with God’s Word.

Sadly, those homes are now empty, and those who try to remain are forced to leave. Pastor Frantzdy prays that the Lord will keep the seeds of the Gospel planted in their hearts and that they will remember the hope they have in Christ.

Despite the dispersal of the four groups he had been meeting with, a new opportunity has emerged. A faithful sister from the church,
Dieudalie Alsine and her husband  Jean Robert Dorce, have opened their humble home near the border, where Pastor Frantzdy has begun preaching and teaching a new small group. There is much hope for this new group and we are thankful for this new meeting place.

While the challenges of maintaining consistent meeting places for these types of outreach have been discouraging, Pastor Frantzdy and the ministry remain committed to spreading the Gospel in the community, and serving the local church in Pedernales.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for wisdom and guidance as the ministry continues in this new location.
  • Please pray for the people of Pedernales to find salvation in Jesus Christ.
  • Please pray for Pastor Frantzdy’s continued healing from the gunshot he sustained last year and that the doctors will eventually be able to remove the bullet.

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. 

Reported by Frantzdy Francois

Translated and edited by Antonio Salgado

Soli Deo Gloria


Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in difficult contexts. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

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Whatever you decide, thank you so much. Grace and peace.



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