We are approaching the end of our visit here in the U.S. and we will be back in the DR before we know it.  Our good friends the Duncan’s have made it back to the DR safely with their new baby daughter on Tuesday. Please keep them in your prayers as they readjust to life in the DR with the new addition to the family. We are very thankful for all the people who have shown us such hospitality and love  everywhere we have been, and for everyone who financially supports this mission. But we are most thankful for the prayers.
Knowing that many faithful saints are interceding for us on a regular basis brings us great comfort.  I would like to use this opportunity to present to everyone a few prayer requests asking that you would help us come before our Lord in asking these things. There is no power in prayer itself, the power comes from the One we  are praying to. We have this privilege of asking of God Almighty things in faith, and if we ask according to His will we can be confident these things will be ours ( 1John 5:14-15  ). Let us ask using His very Word in our prayers. Knowing His Word, we can know His will. It is when we make His will ours, that we can expect answers when we pray.
I know of no better thermometer of your spiritual temperature than this, the measure of the intensity of your prayer.- Charles Spurgeon
First, pray that God will raise up faithful men in the churches there that can teach others also. Not quarrelsome but kind, patient, and humble men of integrity. (2Timothy 2:2, Â 2Timothy 2:24)
Pray that the believers we are discipling would grow in the knowledge of God, live obedient lives, and bear fruit in good works and love. ( Colossians 1:9-10, Â John 13:34-35, Â Hebrews 10:24)
Pray that our family will live by example for them to see God’s grace in our family and Christ’s love in our marriage. (Colossians 3:18-21, Â 1Timothy 3:4-5, Â Ephesians 5:22-26)
And finally, pray for God to glorify Himself and show Himself mighty through the power of the Gospel, and that we would lead holy lives and be used of God by His grace. That we would experience God’s power through the preaching of His Gospel, the faithful teaching of His Word, and have such a privilege as to be a part of His plan as He calls people to Himself. Pray for the lost. (Romans 1:16, Â 1Thessalonians 4:7, Â Ephesians 6:19, Â 2Timothy 2:15, Â 2Timothy 2:10 ) Please help us to come before the Lord with these requests as often as possible.
Thank you and may God’s grace and peace be upon you.
In Christ Jesus,
The Salgado family
pray without ceasing- 1Thessalonians 5:17