We are in an exciting time in this ministry the Lord has entrusted to us. We are also in a transitional phase and making some important changes that we believe are for the better. We are always examining what we do in the ministry against God’s Word and seek to do things in a way that is biblical and most honoring to God.  Sometimes there are small adjustments to be made, and sometimes there are big changes that need to come about.  We are at a point now in the existing churches where we minister, that because of the current  conditions and present situation there, we have done almost all we can. Yes there are always physical needs and projects that can be done,  which we have been a big part of in the past, but truly this can be done anywhere and it is secondary to spreading the Gospel and making disciples.
The time has come for us to move on. As we are still praying about some of the details and timing,  we know much about what will be changing. The where and the how may be different, but what we do will never change. We are committed to preaching the Gospel, and making disciples to the glory of God. Part of  how we do this is evangelism, but a huge part of it is what follows. We are committed to teach and train devoted followers of Christ for leadership, in order to establish biblical churches who are able to carry on the task of preaching the Gospel, disciple making, and faithful preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We are now praying about planting a new church and where the Lord would have us to do this. This is no easy task and comes with many challenges, but it is The Lord who works in us and through us to accomplish His purposes. We are but instruments used in the hands of the Sovereign One as Christ continues to build His church (Matthew 16:18).
“for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”- Philippians 2:13 ESV
As you know, everything costs money, and with the upcoming changes, and possible move, we will be needing more help to meet our monthly costs and to effectively continue our work here. Would you consider partnering with us in this mission? Will you be one of those who God uses to step up and “hold the rope” for us as we do His work here? We need monthly mission partners who are willing to fervently pray, and sacrificially give, to help us further God’s Kingdom and make the Lord’s name great here in the Dominican Republic (Malachi 1:11 ESV). Â With this ministry there is no agency that receives a percentage of the donations made, so be sure that when you give to this mission, every penny of your gift goes directly to the mission field. Please pray about becoming a mission partner with us. We are trusting God and we know that He uses and works through His people to provide for our needs.
“Those who pray for and give to missions play a role just as important as those on the mission field.”
Transitions are never easy and we will dearly miss all of the brothers and sisters we have worked with and ministered to for the past two years in Esperanza, Boruco, and Piedra Gorda. Although we are still praying for God’s guidance in some of the details, we have already begun to prepare ourselves, both mentally and spiritually for the transition. So please pray for us. Pray for our children especially during this time. Pray that God will work out all the details that can make such a change intimidating, and pray that the Lord will already be preparing the hearts of those who we will be crossing paths with in this new season of ministry. Â Pray