Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your faithful giving and prayers. We are so very grateful for those the Lord has given us as supporters and for the way our family and ministry is prayed for by many so frequently. We are blessed, thank you.
Since our move from Esperanza to Santiago, we have done much praying as to some of the details on our new assignment. Sometimes, thinking we would doing “this” when in fact, what the Lord had planned was “that”. It has been interesting looking back now and seeing how the Lord used people and circumstances to guide us to the just the place He would have us.
First we were praying about planting a church. There was a place we wanted to go and begin to work, but the Lord had other plans. Then we decided it would be wise to approach the leaders of the convention here, being we had befriended some of them and they were very accessible and helpful brothers. We are after all here in their country, and I know now that it was the Lord leading us in that direction. We asked them for their advice and prayers for direction. They presented us the idea of helping them in struggling churches that had no Pastor or perhaps needed leaders. There were three mentioned, and we were praying about which one the Lord would have us to begin serving in. We were cautious not to force anything, regardless of what we wanted most. We waited and prayed, and prayed some more, asking God for wisdom and discernment. Waiting is never easy or fun, especially when you are biting at the bit to serve in a new place. But God is not in a rush as we are sometimes.
I am reminded of Acts 16:6-10, where Paul and Timothy went through the region of Phyrgia and Galatia because the Holy Spirit had forbidden them to go to Asia at the time. They also attempted to go into Bithynia but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to proceed there either. But finally the Lord revealed to them it was somewhere else they were to go. The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision of a man urging them to come to Macedonia. And the Bible says that after the vision, Paul immediately sought to go, concluding that God had called them to preach the Gospel there.
One at a time, for one reason or another, the other options just didn’t work, out and God began to make it clear where it was we were to go preach the Gospel. It is an area called Los Angeles de Hato Mayor. There is a church building on a property constructed some years ago, but because of an unfortunate situation it is empty, but sits on the edge of a very large community with many people that can be reached with the Gospel. We will be starting from scratch, spending lots of time in the community, and most important of all, lots of prayer. We pray that it will please the Lord to call out a group of local people, through sharing the Gospel there in Hato Mayor that we can disciple. We have been to the area to get familiar with the neighborhood and also to pray for the people and for God to be glorified there. Please join us in prayer for this.
We understand that we are absolutely powerless to do anything unless God moves, and we are completely relying on Him. Our trust is in the Lord, and if it His will we will see fruit through the preaching of the Gospel, the faithful teaching of God’s Word, and displaying the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
If any are to be saved, it will be the result of God’s power in the Gospel of grace working miraculously in a way which no man has the power or ability to do. Therefore, we recognize our utter lack of any ability of our own, our complete necessity for God’s blessing, and our desperate need for His power and His Spirit to fill us and guide us and enable us to do the work of the ministry every step of the way- Josef Urban / Missionary
Pray for us, pray for the people of Hato Mayor, pray for God to be glorified. Pray.
If the Lord so lays on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can conveniently give by clicking on the donate button on the home page of this site, or you can send your tax deductible gift to Romeo Baptist Church 20545 SW 5th Pl. Dunnellon Fl, 34431. Please be sure to write Salgado DR Mission in the memo. Thank you and God bless you.
In service to our Lord and King,
The Salgado family
… “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”- Matthew 28:20 ESV