Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Our family is planning on coming to the states in the Summer, probably close to July. Depending on how long of a visa for Yeison is given (if it’s approved), will depend how long Christen and the kids stay. Many know that we have been able to travel as a family since Yeison came into our lives. Pray that the visa is approved and he can come with us. I do hope to stay for a while, updating and sharing what the Lord has been doing here with churches in the States. Also seeking further support for this mission as the church plant in Santiago grows, and for our new endeavors as well.
And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. – Luke 10:2
We have prayed to the Lord of the harvest for men and the Lord is answering and sending them. We are now praying and preparing ourselves (and soon others) for a strategic missionary plan that includes a full time discipleship program, pastoral training, and the scouting and evangelization of new areas for future church plants as the Lord leads. The logistics that all of that entails will require the prayers and support of a network of churches and mission partners, working together with our ministry here based out of the church in Hato Mayor, Santiago and the future pastors and missionaries that the Lord is raising up (Biblical Christian Missionary Society). We have been working in Cotui now (a mission two hours away with no previous evangelical presence) for two years and there is a possibility of working in another part of our city known as Cien Fuegos. For now we are limited only due to resources, but with a support plan in place, Lord willing, we could have people in these places sharing the gospel and doing ministry full time. This is our desire. This is also God’s command to us as the church. To see more come to know Christ, be discipled and trained as they grow in their faith and in knowledge of God’s Word, and then send them out to proclaim the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us, and about helping by giving towards this important next step in missions here in the Dominican Republic.
Those who pray for and give towards missions, play a role just as important as the one the mission field. Will you ‘hold the rope’ for us?
Please feel free to contact us at,, or through the website at especially  if  you are a pastor/elder, church leader, or on the mission board of your church, and the opportunity to come and share at your church is a possibility, or for any further information or updates about this ministry. Please also feel free to share this information with other mission minded brethren and churches that may be willing to help us reach our budget goal and move forward for the propagation of the Gospel to glory of God alone. Pray.
Soli Deo Gloria
In service to our King,
Antonio Salgado
Salgado DR Mission