Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
As always I would like to begin by giving thanks to God for His faithfulness and provision over the years. We are thankful for everyone of you. It is the Lord who has put many of you in our path and moved you to give and to pray for this ministry. May the Lord bless you for your obedience and your love for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. – Philippians 1:3-5
Here are some of the most recent things going on:
Last week we did a three day vacation Bible school at the a school we are working with. It went quite well. There was a group who was supposed to come with the owner of the school who lives in Florida. Something happened and the group was unable to come. Thankfully we have left over things we have used in the past from when our mission partners from Morriston have come down and supported us in coming (and many other ways too!) and in bringing the resources neededin order to put on such an activity.
The result was that we have more contacts and a presence with the people in the community to follow up with we didnt have before. People in the immediate area already know me and have attended a Bible study there held at the school. We still have a lot of work to do there but this allowed us to meet and speak with people in the community that we did not have an audience with before. Now we continue to evangelize but especially with those we have recently met.
The main thing of course is the Gospel. Different kinds of outreach like this are great, but the reason for all of it is the proclamation of the Gospel. We dont trust in any specific method of reaching people at all. We do no good just singing with and playing games with kids if we don’t share the Gospel with them. We trust in the power of the Gospel. For this reason I prepared the Bible lessons myself to be sure the lessons were Christ centered and would take the children to the cross. Please pray for the efforts in that community and that the Lord would save and allow a new work to be planted there.

At the church in Hato Mayor, we just began a new expository series on Philippians titled “Gospel Joy and the Missionary Church”. We will learn important lessons like, joy, generosity, contentment, unity, mission partnership and of course the humility and exaltation of Christ. Pray that the Lord would give me wisdom and that the church would be edified and grow.
We are still planning things for later in the year including a medical clinic around October where we offer free exams and medications to the poor. These have been a great way to serve the community while at the same time meeting new people and obtaining new contacts to follow up with. During these kind of outreach events, we put together a small team of people to share the Gospel with everyone who comes through. Pray for that upcoming activity.
We still would love to have others come and teach for us. Having likeminded brothers come and teach for conferences has been very edifying and beneficial in the past. Pray that the Lord would open new doors and lay on peoples hearts to partner with us in this mission and have a willingness to committ.

The needs are great as always, and our resources are very limited. Here are just a few of the needs at the present moment. We hope that one or more churches would partner with us and take one of these needs on as a project of their own.
-There is a sister in the church who is very ill. She has to have surgery to remove a finger that has gangreen and has begun to rot still attached to her. Her husband is a former pastor and works but they barely get by. Her insurance is spent and no longer covering any of her procedures, removing the finger being one of them. She is also receiving dialysis and a diabetic. Any help towards this couple would greatly relieve the burden of brother Nico and his wife who’s health is already in a delicate state and would be greatly appreciated.
-We are still short on our children’s funds for schooling. The schooling is expensive unfortunately, but the only school around that has teachers specially trained to help our daughter Maya with her learning diability. We homeschooled for years but eventually it got very difficult not being able to give Maya the help she needed. Since attending the school Maya has made great improvements. We still need $6000 for that need to cover the upcoming school year. Please pray about helping.

-We recently launched our first arrow (oldest child left the nest). Trinity is in Florida now, but still quite a way from meeting her goal for her time in Papua, Indonesia in December to work with the Johnson family. You can find that fundraiser on our facebook page and in past newsletters. We can email it to you directly if you wish to help.
-The church building is still in need of classrooms. By God’s grace, last year we were able to replace the old roof. As the church grows the classrooms are needed more and more. It would be an addition upstairs to the half of the building that has a concrete plate for a roof. The plan is to add at least two rooms and a bathroom. This would help tremendously as we are very cramped for space and the ministry would greatly benefit from the extra room as it would help and play an important role in the process of growth for the church. Especially for the much needed theological training of the men. We are presently seeking an estimate for this project will share asap.
If you or your church would like to help in this or any other need, corporately as a church project, please contact us at
We strongly believe that those who give and pray for missions play a role just as important as the missionary on the field.

We pray for new mission partners to join us in our ministry. We strongly believe that those who give and pray for missions play a role just as important as the missionary on the field. Please share these needs and prayer requests with your church and others. Thank you for your prayers and support, God bless!
You can give online here on our website, or you can send a gift of any amount to the Romeo church address in Florida. Click on the “donate” button to give online and/or for the address to send support as monthly mission partners or to meet a need.
In Service to our King,
Antonio Salgado and family
Salgado DR Mission