What is man?

I often wonder why an Almighty, Holy, and Sovereign God is concerned about my needs.  Who am I? I know Jesus said that we are not to be anxious about food or clothes, and that He provides for the ravens and we are of much more value than them ( Luke 12:24). But why does He provide so many times and is so faithful to do so? Now, I know it is because of who He is. And I know that He does not change, and because of this, whatever He has promised we can trust that He will do. But, in light of who He is and who we are, if God did not answer one more prayer, or provide one more thing, He would still be worthy of worship. It is thinking of all this that leaves me so in awe of Him. There is nothing special or worthy about me or anyone else, it’s just who He is. It’s all grace. Which makes His blessings and answered prayers that much more beyond my understanding.

Continue reading “What is man?”

The fire

We have been so blessed recently as a family. God has provided in many different ways for us, even a place to live while we are home on this trip as our kids do some testing for school. Some friends of ours have a  furnished home in a patch of woods not far from our home church and they let us stay there when we are in town. The kids love it out there. There are lots of trees, and occasionally the old ones fall down and need to be taken care of.  So I usually do some cleaning up with the chainsaw whenever we are in town. It also gives me a reason to do something else I love, bonfires. Continue reading “The fire”

I know, but….

As many of you know I recently spent the day at the hospital. Even after a year and a half in another country you can eat things that just mess you up. I am feeling a little better but the doctors never quite figured out exactly what is wrong with me. I really wanted to think I was getting better even though I knew something was wrong. Even after three weeks I was drinking lots of fluids and even went for a three mile run shortly after getting here to Ocala. I neglected going to see a doctor because of wanting to go see family and spend time with my dad who I pretty much only see once a year. Everyone kept telling me I ought to go to see doctor, but I just kept saying “I know, I know but…” followed by an excuse. Well, after seeing some family but starting to feel worse and worse, I finally broke down and went to the hospital. They said I should have come a long time ago. I was dehydrated and they ran many tests but never quite found out exactly what was wrong with me. But I actually was very sick. The funny thing is that I had deceived myself into thinking that everything was alright. The same is true of our spiritual lives as well.  Continue reading “I know, but….”