Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
It is unbelievable how fast this year seems to be going by. In just three months we will have been here for three years now! We have been working hard at the church and praying for God to be glorified, and we are starting to see Him move. Little by little we are seeing new faces visiting the church, and some of them returning week after week. We have a new family that is interested in joining the church as well. Christen and I visited their humble home to get to know them better and ask them some questions about their family and see where they are spiritually. It will be a huge blessing to have another family added to the church’s core group. We are still going out in the community regularly sharing and inviting. We have new children and youth also coming and we are praying about how best to begin to minister to them. The community we are in is full of drugs and crime, so we hope to reach as many young people with the Gospel as we can.
We are commanded to go and make disciples. Preach the Gospel then teach who Jesus is and everything He taught. When you do things God’s way you see Him move, He is always faithful to what He says. We are now spending even more time loving people and building relationships with them, going to their homes and asking how we can pray for them and help them. We also spend a lot of time before making decisions to be sure what we are doing as a church is always Christ centered and the most biblical. The music we play, the way I preach, the church mission and statement of faith, everything! Jesus is at the very center and reason for everything in Scipture. We want Him to be the center of everything we do as a ministry. We want to know Christ more, and make Him known. We are seeing God move.
And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. – Luke 24:27 ESV
We were blessed to have gained the the partnership of a mission minded church back home. Morriston Baptist Church helped us to get some much needed cabinets, and replace a dilapidated fence around the church building. Many things have been been stolen from the church in the past already and the new fence helped to secure the property and is a huge blessing. This church is also coming to help our ministry do an outreach event which will help us minister to men, women, and children of the community. Please pray for everyone involved in that event, and that God would use it to bring people to Christ.
Please pray for our family. I am beginning to pray about making a trip back home. Christen and the kids will be going this month to spend some time with her father who has Alzheimer’s and is unfortunately declining. Please pray for the family.
I will have to stay behind with Yeison since we cannot take him out of the country for now. We are in need and praying that the Lord will open doors for partnerships for this mission. I will plan my trip according to opportunities to come and share this mission with churches. Being independent missionaries, we must raise our own funds to continue our work here. This can be challenging. In the past we have survived with very little support, but the Lord has provided and sustained us here for almost three years now. We are now in a city of well over a million people, the vast majority of which are lost. The Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to be part of a new work in Hato Mayor. And even though we are just beginning, it is now in the midst of exciting growth.
But we are in need of mission partners. Churches and individual brothers and sisters who have the desire to be involved in the work God is doing here. We understand the great responsibility of those who are to carry out this weighty task. Our ministry strives to be biblical and Christ centered in everything that we do. We focus on two main areas:
1) Real discipleship- This includes the expository preaching and teaching of God’s Word, without neglecting the crucial real life application of God’s truths for us today. But it also goes beyond this, to the necessary relational, giving and investing of ourselves into the lives of others. The goal is to disciple people using God’s Word in a way that they will see Christ as He truly is, the most Glorious, Beautiful, and Worthy above all. This will naturally lead them to the next thing.
2) Evangelism- It’s all about Christ and His Gospel. When people truly know Christ in this way, they will want others to know Him as well. Disciples who make disciples. We help people to know Christ more, and together we make Him known.
This is the command. This is what we do and we take it serious. We need brothers and sisters back home who are willing to give sacrificially and pray for us to help us continue to do this. Please pray about joining us in a partnership to share the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ in the Dominican Republic.
If you are able, or feel led to help by giving and praying, contact us here by clicking on the “contact us” button on the home page, or write us at
If you are a pastor or leader in your local church and would like us to come and share our mission, are interested in partnership with this ministry, or would like us to send you a video about our ministry and our family, contact us and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please pray about helping and giving. Thank you and God bless.
In service to our Lord and King,
The Salgado family
Salgado DR Mission
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. – Romans 11:36 ESV