Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
I am getting settled in back here in the DR after spending seven weeks of traveling in the States. It certainly was wonderful to be reunited with my family. It was a blessing to have had the opportunity to share the ministry and preach on biblical mission partnerships with different churches. It was humbling to receive so much positive feedback from so many, but in the end, all that matters is that Christ was exalted and churches were exhorted and motivated to action. May God receive all the glory! Pray that God used those messages to move churches to be more involved in what God is doing all around the world, hopefully in the most biblical and God honoring way possible. Misions is our mission as the church.
“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed” — Hudson Taylor
We really needed to raise more support are in need of mission partners. That was the main reason for such a lengthy stay. We pray that the Lord moves some churches and individuals to partner with us. Please pray with us. We pray someday the Lord will provide enough for us to not to have to stay away from the ministry for so long. But our family has needs, the church has needs, and everything costs money, this is just what comes with the territory. Our family has also outgrown our present vehicle. We usually have people riding on laps especially when the carseat is in. With all the people we help get to and from church we are often having to take several trips, We are praying the Lord will provide for us to be able to get get a van or larger vehicle. Even a large mini van would help us to get around better. Please pray for the Lord’s provision to be in abundance. There is much work to do, we are experiencing growth, with that comes the needs of the people, and the church building needs a lot of work.
“All the money needed to send and support an army of self-sacrificing, joy-spreading ambassadors is already in the church.” — John Piper
The Lord certainly provided for me during my stay and many loving brothers and sisters opened their homes to me and even let me borrow vehicles to get around. It is always beautiful to see the church come together to care for one of her own. God is so good and gracious to the undeserving. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
I am very thankful for those who were able to keep everything going in my absence. It is a blessing to have a group that can come together and do that in less than a year of existence. Christen always is sure to pick up take home some of the families that come (yes, she can drive in this craziness!), Â and our daughter Trinity organizes the songs picked by sister Rosalina and controls the music and projector. It was also good to know the pulpit was in good hands with brother Kelvin. He has been a tremendous blessing to the church. The Lord sent us a likeminded brother, a fellow laborer, a fellow soldier in the faith. Please keep him and his wife Yaris in your prayers as well. Â It was really encouraging to hear him say to me in one conversation before I returned, “the Lord seems to really love Hato Mayor and is wanting to do something big here!”
We have set Fridays as outreach day. We go out with a few others from the church and set up where there are many people in the streets and open air preach. We share the gospel pleading with people to repent, come to Christ and be reconciled to God. We also hand out some very good gospel tracts made by HeartCry Missionary Society and give out invitations to the church services with all of our information. Please keep those efforts in your prayers.
“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” — C.T. Studd
We are going through our confession of faith on Wednesday nights as we begin organizing ourselves and are taking steps in establishing a biblical membership for accountability. We also have a time of prayer with that study. Sunday mornings we are taking an expository journey through the gospel of Mark. We are still seeing new visitors as well and hope to hae more soon as a result of our outreach efforts.
This is just some of what we are up to and we are so thankful to continue to see the Lord work among us. Please pray for our family. You cannot go out into the streets declaring war on hell and all of it’s forces and not expect to be attacked. We will most likely be the first target of that opposition. Keep our marriage, our children, and the testimony of those serving with us bathed in prayer.
We also have another praise report. We have just been accepted by a missionary aviation service to receive packages through them. Their name is Agape Flights. They are a ministry that delivers packages for missionaries at a reduced price. The christian pilots donate their time to offer these services. They do ask that we ask supporters to help with their cost through donations since they are also non profit. Some companies charge up to 4-5 US dollars per pound on shipping. Our cost is only $1.75 and we ask anyone sending a package to donate at least an extra dollar (perhaps more if you feel led to), which would come to $2.75 per pound. Anyone wanting to send a package should contact us first for us to determine if something was in bulk if it is better to go with the cargo company we have used in the past. But this is definitely a better option for small packages and several other things we have wanted to ship in the past and couldn’t. It has also been very difficult for us to receive regular mail (cards, letters of encouragement, etc.) in the past, but now we will be able to. Praise the Lord! The mailing address to send something to us through them is:
Antonio and Christen Salgado
c/o Agape Flights STI 28566
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285
Pray about becoming a mission partner. Pray about helping. Pray.
In service to our Lord and King,
The Salgado Family
 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21