Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
We hope everyone back home had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are very thankful for another year that the Lord gave us serving here in the Dominican Republic. The last week of December marked one year of our new work in the community of Hato Mayor. It came with it’s share of challenges, but we definitely saw the Lord move and bless.
We are so thankful to the faithful giving of the brothers and sister back home who the Lord uses to provide for our needs so that we may minister here. May the Lord bless you for your sacrificial giving in the past year and hopefully in the coming year as well. With the new year upon us we are focusing on organizing ourselves as much as possible and exhorting the brothers and sisters to committment and to serve.
“Your committment to the local church says alot about your committment to Christ!”
We have a new solid curriculum for the children’s ministry we are now using that systematically goes through the redemptive history of the Bible with verses to memorize. We are also using it at home now with our kids. We are finally setting dates for two weddings and a couple of baptisms. We are drawing up the church calendar and praying and planning some outreach events and a possible teaching event we will host on the topic of biblical family open to everyone. We are going out in the community weekly sharing the Gospel through open air preaching, Gospel tracts and church invitations. We are seeing the people we engage in the streets show up to church. Praise the Lord! We try our best to obtain contact informationa nd follow up with them. Please especially pray for our evangelism efforts.
“There’s nothing in the Bible that tells the world to come to the church; but, there’s everything in the Bible that tells the church to go to the world!”
We have begun visiting the brothers on a regular basis to spend time with them in their homes and observe their families, pray with them and begin the necessary Bible studies in different areas of discipleship. These things are coming together and being put on the calendar as well. We understand the importance of being consistent. We also hope to soon establish a membership and we are working on developing that process and what what it will look like. We don’t want people to come in and just sit around. We want to engage everyone personally and lovingly, and as soon as they are ready, put them to work.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10
So we are putting a plan together so that after we visit with new people, we know and have in place, somewhere to plug them in. Whether it be continued visits and attempts at sharing the Gospel with a specific family, baptism class, further discipleship in areas of family, Bible study, etc.
We hope to organize a couple of  teams to come later in the year as well with churches willing to serve and meet needs. Our building needs many repairs. The termites are eating away the wood beams that hold the tin roof, the wiring is very old and shoddy, and many other things we need help with. We have very few resources here but the Lord has been more than gracious with us in the past providing all that we need. We still need and pray for the Lord to lead people to help and become partners in this ministry. Those who give to the mission not only help to provide for our family’s needs, but also are enabling us to help others.
“Those who pray for and give to missions, play a role just as important as those on the mission field.”
What we receive directly impacts the church’s ability to meet needs. On a regular basis we help families with food, prescriptions and several other needs as well. Please pray about becoming a mission partner. Pray that we may see the Lord do great things in Hato Mayor this year and be glorified in all we do. Please continue to pray for our family as well. Ministry here is very challenging and comes with it’s share of sacrifice and trials. We are learning more and more to rejoice in all things. May the Lord make His name great in Hato Mayor! Pray.
For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense will be offered to my name, and a pure offering. For my name will be great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts. – Malachi 1:11
If the Lord so lays on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, and would like to join us as a regular mission partner, you can send your tax deductible gift to:
Romeo Baptist Church 20545 SW 5th Pl. Dunnellon Fl, 34431.
*Please be sure to write Salgado DR Mission in the memo.
If you feel led to give a one time gift of any amount, you may go to the home page of this site and click on the “donate” button to conveniently give online. Thank you and God bless.