The Salgado DR Mission is completely dependent on the Lord’s grace through the generous giving and donations of others. Through the church plant of Iglesia Bautista Hato Mayor, which is still young and growing, by God’s grace, we are able to take the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the people of the Dominican Republic. Especially in the community that the Lord has put us in. We are thankful for all of the brethren who pray for and support this ministry. Over the years the Lord has been faithful and gracious to us.
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.  – Philippians 1:3-5
This year our budget must increase in order for us to be able to continue to minister effectively, keep up with growth and plans as a church (with the ultimate goal of the church being self sufficient in a just a few years), and continue to help meet needs of others especially the brethren. This is all above and beyond the many needs that our family still has. We are praying that this year we would finally be able to have health insurance. It is by God’s grace that we haven’t had any serious emergencies over the years, but this is one very important need we have as a family.
Other items in our budget include a pastors fund, to supplement some income to the men that God is raising up for a time so they may dedicate themselves to spiritual growth, disciplines, and serious study of the Word (a vital step for the future health, growth and multiplying of disciples, leaders, and future church plants). Assigned monies for local mission work and outreach, mercy ministry, health insurance for our family, and the many needed repairs to the vehicles and building.
and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Â – 2 Timothy 2:2
Over time and due to several different reasons and circumstances, some supporters are no longer able to give. It happpens. 2016 was a very productive and fruitful year of ministry and we pray that 2017, Lord willing, would be better yet. The Lord has blessed the work here, the church is growing and we need to prepare for the future. But we need your help. We need new mission partnerships with local churches AND individual brothers and sisters who are willing and able to give in order to further the Gospel work we are involved in here in Santiago.
Those who give to, and pray for missionaries and missions, play a role just as important as those on the field.
We are asking that you would please pray and consider partnering with us. For the sake of Christ and His gospel, the growth and edification of the church here, for God’s glory alone. Every bit of every donation given comes directly to the mission field either to meet our family’s needs, equip us for ministry, or towards helping others. Whether it’s a monthly commitment, or one time donation, every bit counts and no gift is too small.
Those who hold the ropes are just as important in the partnership as those who go down into the mine. It is essential for the spread of the Gospel.- Jerry Bridges
We are currently are running at only 40% of the new budget. We presently need to raise $3000 monthly. This means we would only need 30 new mission partners at $100 per month, or 60 new mission partners at $50 per month, or 120 new mission partners at $25 per month. This can easily be done if our brothers, sisters back home who are not presently giving, would make that commitment to partner with us this way in giving and prayer, as well as share these needs with their friends, family, and churches.
Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit. – Philippians 4:17
You can conveniently donate a gift of any amount online by clicking on  the “donate” button on the home page.
Or, if you would like to commit to being a monthly mission partner, in the same place you will also find the address you can send your tax deductible gift to.
Please take a moment to share these needs with others, pray, and give if you can. You can contact us from this site or directly at Thank you and God bless.
In Service to our Lord,
The Salgado DR Mission