Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Here are just a few of the things that the Lord is doing here in the DR.

We are very pleased and praising the Lord for the growth and regenerating work of God in a some of the people we serve here. Lord willing, be baptizing up to five people very soon. There is an obvious change in their lives and it has been a beautiful thing to witness. Three of them are a young family from Venezuela that immigrated here four months ago because of the economic crisis there that is growing worse every day. They arrived to the DR each with just a small bag of a few articles of clothing, nothing else. The church has come around them and helped in many ways. The love showed to them through this difficult and traumatic transition made an impact on them that the Lord used to bring them to Christ. They are now growing and wanting to serve and fellowship whenever they can. Praise the Lord!

We sat with them today after church to spend time and just listened to their story, and how although they are very concerned with the state of their country and their family there, they are very thankful, and see God’s purpose in bringing them here. One of them, is a man named Rafael who also speaks English. His exact words were “I am just so thankful to Jesus Christ for everything. I didn’t know what to expect and we were all very sad to leave Venezuela, but now I understand His plan in all of this.” We are now planning a wedding and their baptism. Praise the Lord!

We have still been visiting the area of Santiago known as FrakatĂ¡n (in the image above) to share the Gospel and visit with those who lost almost everything in the flooding a couple of months ago. Saturday we held an outdoor church service there. Since we have been visiting, an older couple has begun visiting the church. At one of them come every Wednesday or Sunday. We are praing that they will be instrumental in reaching more people in that area with the Gospel. Please keep FrakatĂ¡n in prayer.

There is also still a group going to CotuĂ­ every two weeks. Although I personally have been going a liottle less often, the group from the church that goes has been growing and more are showing interest in visiting there and helping minister to the people. Please keep CotuĂ­ in prayer as well.

We have begun a monthly movie night at the church where we show christian films. It not only gives us more time to spend together, but also a chance for the brethren to invite friends and neighbors. The first night we had 60 people show up! Kelvin and I both got up afterwards and shared a few words. All the visitors heard the Gospel before leaving that night. Pray for more to come and be exposed to more of the Word and the love of our people.

Our group of men is growing and that is very exciting. Since we began working in Hato Mayor, one of my most frequent prayers has been, “Lord, please send us men.” That prayer is truly being answered right before our eyes. God is faithful! When God tells us to pray specifically for things in His Word, do it, He will answer.

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. – Luke 10:2

There are few very promising men in the group we have a lot of hope for as far as deacons and leadership. They have been growing and very helpful serving any chance the get. They get it. They understand that true faith works, it bears fruit unto the Lord. Please pray that the Lord continues to grow them in faith, knowledge, and grace and for the Lord to send more men still. In our experience, it seems that the women are easier to reach then the men, but many times they come alone or with young children and struggle more in bringing their families. But more often than not, if the men come, they are going to bring their families with them. It isn’t always that way, but that seems to be the pattern we are seeing.

and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. – 2 Timothy 2:2

The group of ladies at the church is also growing. They seem to be more united they are becoming more organized and wanting to serve more. Praise the Lord for that!

There has certainly been struggles, hardships, and difficult decisions to make. God is always dealing with His people whether it be discipline, trials, or just His pruning.  Stripping away things we don’t need, showing us the idols of our hearts, teaching us to trust Him, teaching us to recieve our joy from Him rather than things or people. All for the purpose of His glory and preparing us to bear more fruit for Him. The enemy is also very crafty and deceptive, never far away.

Please pray for the familes, especially the marriages. Pray for the salvation of those among us who still have not been born again, especially the children. Also pray for unity among the brothers, growth in love and humility, and stonger desire for the Word and obedience motivated by love, and wisdom.

There is so much more to share. We have finally gotten closer to obtaining Yeison’s birth certificate. We have had his mother diagnosed by a psychiatrist stating why she is unable to care for him. Please pray for the many more steps in this process of legal custody and getting a passport and possible visa for him. We have done what we can on our own, but there are things that only a lawyer can do. We will definiotely need a lot of support financially to be able to make that happen, it is not cheap at all. We are confident the Lord will provide it. Please pray that the Lord will move people to be generous and give towards this important need. We pray that we will be able to take him to the States one day to visit family and the many people who have prayed for him and our family during these last three years.

We still visit and minister to the orphans every Tuesday. We are planning our activities for the year, hoping people will come to teach for conferences we are organizing,  minister to us, as well and bring much needed resources if possible. Please pray for the Lord to help us arrange all of this.

We need more transportation. Many of the people, including the new ones do not have any transportation. We are praying for a large van or mini bus for the church. We can certainly put something like that to very good use here. We have spoken to a lawyer who is also a friend and employee of customs at the port here and he is confident he can get it into the country for us if one was sent or donated. Pray for that! We are also working on finally replacing the roof to the church building. Praise the Lord! We are very thankful for the generous brothers and sisters back home who made that possible.

Those who pray and give to missions, play a role just as important as those on the mission field.

I can go on and on with prayer requests and praise reports, but I will end this one with this. Our family hopes to visit the states in the Summer. Please pray for the funds needed to do so, and for the Lord to open doors to new mission partners,  opportunities to share this mission with more churches and individuals back home that will enable us to continue to minister effectively here and hopefully do more to reach more. Please also share this newsletter and the many prayer requests with others. We are thankful for each and everyone of you who pray and support our family and the ministry here in the DR. Thank you and God bless.

In service to our King,

The Salgado family

 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21

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