Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your sacrificial giving to this ministry and faithful, prayers over the years. Our family deeply appreciates your support and is thankful to God for the opportunity and privilege to serve on the mission field here in the Dominican Republic.
Here we find ourselves at the close of another year. We all tend to say “it went by so fast”, BUT, his year actually did feel as if it flew by quicker then our previous years here. At least to us!
We experienced a lot in 2017. Wonderful times of growth, friends and brothers who came and taught for us, many answered prayers, but there were other things too. The unwanted but necessary troubles that come with ministry. Spiritual attacks on the family, many trials and sicknesses experienced by the brethren of the church, some financial low points and concerns coupled with the desire to help and do more. But God, as always, has been faithful and provided just what we need. We look forward to 2018 with great anticipation eager to see what God will do.
We recently had a meeting with one of the directors of the orphanage and arranged for us to do more there in the near future. With Christmas around the corner, we wanted to do something special. We also have wanted to bring a child home for sometime. Especially during Christmas and allow him or her to have a few days with our family, receive some gifts, enjoy a special meal, and just have a break and enjoy a different environment for a while as we loved on them. We took the opportunity to express this to them and now it looks like we will be bringing two home! A four year old boy and a teenage girl. We are thankful that they are allowing this and over time we have established a great relationship of trust with them. We even received donations from a couple of our supporters that will ensure these children are taken care of. Thank you for your love gift for these children! You know who you are.
In our church services, we wrapped up the Gospel of Mark a couple of weeks ago which we have been preaching through on Sunday mornings. It took us two years but it was a blessing for all of us. Now we are almost done with 1 Timothy on Wednesday nights as well. So in the new year we will be shifting gears and starting off with two new series, and I am really looking forward to it.
Most recently I began a discipleship group with some of the young people in the church and we will soon begin planning outreach activities and evangelism strategies with our leaders for the new year. We also are praying about topics for teaching as we hope to have some brothers from the US come and teach a few conferences throughout the year. The few we have had have blessed the church tremendously and were very edifying. It certainly has been beneficial to have a neutral outside party come and reinforce much of what they have heard from us already.
We have been in touch with Senator Marc Rubio’s office and they emailed us some paperwork to fill out. We are praying they will be willing to help us with Yeison’s visa. Please continue to pray for this. We want very much to be able to schedule furlough with him and for him to meet our family. This has been a desire of ours for some time and we have already been denied a visa for him twice, so please join us in prayer for this.
Our family wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! May God richly bless you all as we have been blessed and may we together work towards the goal of furthering the Gospel and bringing God glory in the coming year. God bless!
In service to our Lord and King,
The Salgado family