Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thank you so much for the prayers and support over the years. Truly God’s goodness and faithfulness has been revealed through the love and commitment shown to us by our mission partners. We thank God for you! We are now planning out our year, contacting churches hoping to have some brothers come and teach for us throughout the year. We usually hold at least three conferences per year. We would love to do more and we pray the Lord would move others to come and teach for us to edify the brothers and sisters here. We use the opportunity to invite others from the surrounding area and even other cities that they would be exposed to solid biblical teaching. It is very needed and it always helps when an outside party comes and reaffirms what we have been teaching here. Usually they are on topics like, biblical family, marriage, the Gospel, the church, etc. Please pray that the Lord provides those willing pastors and teachers.
After two years we have finally finished our journey through the gospel of Mark. We have now begun two new expositions, one in Romans and the other in 1 John. I began doing something different on Wednesday nights. Instead of going through a different book of the Bible, we revisit the sermon and the text the sermon was based on to go a little more in depth, and also to have more time to discuss implications, application and to answer questions. So far it seems to have been a good decision and appears that more of the material is “sticking” and there has been a lot more interaction from the congregation. That is great and also helps us to also gauge where the people are at in their growth. Pray that the brothers and sisters here continue to grow in knowledge, wisdom and practical godliness.
Apart from the preaching and teaching at the church, we manage to stay pretty busy. Monday Christen and Yaris spend a good part of the day visiting with different sisters from the church or other women who have recently visited for the first time. Tuesday we go to the orphanage, and as one group works with the smaller children, some of the men and I split the older boys into small groups and do some mentoring/ Bible study with them. Wednesday night is prayer and Bible study at the church building. Thursdays I visit a school and counsel the kids who get in trouble and share the gospel with them and the employees of the school as well. We hope this is the first step in reaching the parents of the students and the surrounding community with the Gospel. In the afternoon I do a bible study with the youth from our church, as well as with some other curious young adults we met through an outreach in the barrio who have begun attending. These three young men have even begun visiting the church. Praise the Lord!
Friday nights the sisters of the church have a meeting and on Saturdays a group of us have been taking some seminary classes in the afternoon and then a men’s bible study in the evening. Then on Sunday we meet for worship in the morning. Please pray for these various ministries and evangelism opportunities that present themselves along the way. Pray that people would be saved and that God would be glorified.
I am planning on taking a small group with me into Haiti later in the year. Hopefully to establish a partnership with a church there who we want to help through our preaching and teaching ministry. We have a very dear brother there in a town near the border who is helping us set up a meeting with the leaders of that church. Pray for that.
Last year the Lord provided for us in amazing ways. We are praying He will do so again. We have had some big expenses over the last few months which hurt us and giving has been down. Please pray the Lord will provide new mission partners throughout this new year. As the ministry grows the expenses do too and there are still many needs. This ministry totally relies on God’s provision through generous and sacrificial brothers and sisters back home. Pray that the Lord would provide above and beyond our family’s needs, and for the projects and plans we have as the ministry continues to grow.
The money that comes to this ministry does far more than simply support our family and pay our bills. It pays the church’s bills, it keeps the lights on and the water running, it buys medications for poor brothers and sisters that can’t afford them, helps people in need and pays for food and clothing, even surgeries and medical testing that we have covered as a ministry for brothers and sisters in urgent need. Of course we believe in helping the family of faith first, but we help others as well.
Why do I share this? Not for any recognition or glory for we deserve none. All glory goes to God. But we do want those who pray for and support us to know what is going on in this ministry, and what the money they provide is going towards. You should want to know who you’re giving to and where that money is going.
Because we follow a biblical model, we have a high view of the local church and do all ministry through the local church. Preaching the gospel and church planting IS the ministry God has called Christians to. Not separate disconnected parachurch organizations who do their own thing apart from the church.
But that same local church should be doing much more than simply meeting and participating in activities that are only inward focused. We should meet needs too, using those opportunities to show the love of Christ, and as a means by which we preach the gospel to the lost.
In service to our Lord and King,
Antonio Salgado and family
Salgado DR Mission