Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here we have ended another year. By God’s grace, we survived many challenges in 2021. But even in difficulties, the Scriptures tell us to “give thanks in all circumstances.” That is easier said than done, but very possible by God’s grace. I am very thankful for the faithful few who have continued supporting until now. May God bless your intentions to help us, others in need and your faithfulness.
Things are going well at the orphanage. The work is tough, the days are long, but working with children who come from vulnerable situations is rewarding, and they have given me a lot of freedom to develop tools, activities and programs to apply to the logistics and training of the personnel to better care for the children. I am thankful that I can work in a place that allows me to use my experience and are open to changes and trying new things. Another positive thing about working here is that there is always an opportunity to share the Gospel, and I record and share a devotional every morning with over 120 employees.
I keep in touch with Leonel in Haiti often. We actually spoke this morning as he was asking if Yeison has gotten better. Yeison was recently very sick with vomiting for a few days. He began to get better, then presented fever for two days. We had insurance in the past, but do not have it at the moment. After a very difficult day spent in the emergency room here, I decided to take him home and treat him myself. The symptoms are gone now, and his COVID test came back negative, so thank God for that.
Hopefully in 2022 I can make it back to Haiti for a follow-up visit that is long overdue. Since the pandemic started, I haven’t been able to make it back, and unfortunately we’ve lost a few good brothers over there since my last visit. There is an urgent need over there, not just for him and his family, but for many others I personally know due to the instability of the country overall. He has needs, but as of now I am very, very limited in resources unless new mission partners come on board to help with these needs. Please pray for that.
I have a possible trip planned to Venezuela this year, Lord willing. We are helping some family and friends of some brothers very close to us. We hope to even help a few people here (through some very helpful contacts) to offer them more opportunities and a better quality of life compared to the horrible state of their country right now. The situation is worse than most think, and many are suffering and struggling just to feed themselves. We have helped several Venezuelans in the past, and these are friends and family members of some people near and dear to us. Those are also long and costly processes. But I wish to help as much as possible with that. Any prayers and donations toward that is also very appreciated.
I am currently waiting on a donation of some large boxes of what is usually food and clothes to arrive, but the shipment is extremely delayed. Pray that they come soon so that the donation can be distributed to those who need it. We can always use donations. In fact, we need them desperately. Many I have relationships with here have asked for help who have benefited through BCMS or Salgado DR Mission in the past, but unfortunately, resources are becoming more scarce every month.
There are tons of needs. A few weeks ago I had a car accident and the repairs on that alone will cost me at least $1000. I already got ripped off by one painter and had a difficult time getting the vehicle back. Thankfully, I got it back this week. As far as Yeison´s needs with the school, I have a sister who has pledged to help with 2/3 of the cost of the special assistant Yeison needs because of his attention issue, but I am still 100 USD short a month to cover that cost. The school keeps asking when I will begin to pay, and I have asked them to please be patient. There are plans for things I’d love to do here in this community near the orphanage or the other communities I have worked in. If the Lord leads anyone to help with any of these needs, it would be very appreciated and will truly be a blessing.
In Christ,
Antonio Salgado
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. – Philippians 1:3-5
To donate to me personally, the work I do here in the DR and financial help for Yeison and I, you can donate at this link through PayPal.
To donate directly to Fundación Red de Misericordia to help with the needs of the children we work with, you can donate at this link: