The following is petition of prayer for the people of Venezuela written by BCMS mission partner Rafael Rodriguez in Maracay, Venezuela. The current President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has been recorded making public threats of a “blood bath” if he does not win in the upcoming elections. Please join us in prayer with brother Rafael for his people. Grace and peace.

“Dear beloved brothers and sisters,

On July 28, 2024, Venezuela will once again hold presidential elections. The situation in our nation is well-known; millions of Venezuelans have left their country seeking better opportunities abroad.

For 22 years, socialism has intensified, tearing families apart, fueling poverty, and fostering corruption and insecurity. Our country desperately needs change. We require a government dedicated to its fundamental responsibilities: security, lawmaking, and protecting private property. As Romans 13 and other scriptures teach, these are the core functions of government. Unfortunately, the current regime has overstepped its bounds, mirroring the behavior of other socialist and communist governments that prioritize state control over individual liberty and faith.

We humbly request your prayers for Venezuela’s liberation from this dictatorship. May God’s will be done, enabling us to continue serving and preaching amidst adversity. Regardless of the election outcome, we pray for joy and gratitude.

We believe that a change in leadership will bring immense joy to Venezuelans, especially those living abroad who yearn to reunite with their families. May the Lord grant this joy to our nation.

Please do not cease praying. President Maduro has hinted at a refusal to relinquish power peacefully if defeated on Sunday.

May the peace of Christ be with us all.”


Rafael Rodríguez BCMS Missionary, Venezuela 🇻🇪

Translated by Antonio Salgado


The group I Laguna Prieta is steadily growing and receiving the message and the teachings very well. Pray that soon we will be able to purchase more chairs and prepare the area a little better in order to continue teaching there whether rain or shine.


A few of the people attending have expressed their gratitude for the Bible study. Others come broken and just seeking help and hope. Some seem to come out of curiosity, since they see us there weekly setting up chairs and inviting others. There are people in the group with different  backgrounds. Some have visited churches or have been churched sometime in the past, but when asked, they admit they do not have Christ. Some have not been churched at all. A few are vulnerable believers who have  little to no resources to get around, or even decent clothes to attend a church if they wanted to.


In general, the Haitian church culture takes going to church dressed as nicely as possible very seriously. Many who would go, but do not have the appropiate attire according to cultural standards, simply will not go. This is to not be shamed or judged by those who are able to present themselves differently. I have heard this from countless individuals in vulnerable situations. Of course it is ok to want to look nice for church, that is a good thing. But, when this breeds favoritism, it becomes sinful and legalistic (in any culture or tradition for that matter). This is unfortunate, but we are clear in saying to them, that although it may be a cultural view, it is not a biblical one.


My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,”  have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? -James 2:1-4


But their concern  is certainly understandable if you could put yourself in their position of vulnerability and under the same cultural norms just for a moment. This is one good reason why taking the Gospel to the vulnerable and doing ministry in these contexts, although challenging, is so important.


Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong? If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.  But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. – James 2:5-9



The Bible studies in Laguna Prieta are going well, praise the Lord. We continue with the basics of salvation. We spent time in Epehesians 2 explaining our condition apart from Christ and how we were separated from God and dead in our sins, yet, by God’s grace, we have been made alive in Christ.



The text reads:

“And you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you previously walked according to the ways of this world, according to the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit now working in the disobedient. We too all previously lived among them in our fleshly desires, carrying out the inclinations of our flesh and thoughts, and we were by nature children under wrath as the others were also. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace! He also raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might display the immeasurable riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift — not from works, so that no one can boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” – ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭10‬ ‭



Main Point: The passage emphasizes salvation through God’s grace in Christ Jesus, despite our previous state of sin and separation from Him.

Humanity’s Condition (1-3)

    • The text describes a state of spiritual death due to “trespasses and sins.” (v.1)
    • People followed “the ways of this world” and the influence of a evil. (v.2)
    • Born in this condition we were “by nature children under wrath.” (v.3)


God’s Intervention Through Grace (4-6):

Despite our condition, God’s “great love” and “mercy” led Him to make us “alive with Christ.” (v.4-5)

    • The text emphasizes being “saved by grace” and not by works. (v.5)
    • Being “raised up with him and seated with him in the heavens” means we have a new immediate spiritual position. (v.6)


God’s Purpose and the Gift of Faith (verses 7-9):

    • The passage states God’s desire to display “the immeasurable riches of his grace” through Christ. (v.7)
    • “Saved by grace through faith” is presented as God’s gift, not something earned. (v.8)


A New Identity and Purpose (verse 10):

  •  The text refers to us as God’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.” (v.10)
  • These “good works” are not presented as a means of salvation but the result of being “created” in Christ. Good works cannot in any way unite us to Christ, but once we believe, the good works are evidence that we are in Him..

Key Points:

  • The text focuses on God’s initiative in offering salvation through grace in Christ.
  • Our past transgressions are acknowledged but not a barrier to God’s grace.
  • Good works are a consequence, an evidence, not a cause of salvation.


Pray for us. That the Lord would bring salvation to these individuals and that they would grow in the knowledge of Christ. Soli Deo Gloria.


Antonio Salgado serving in the Dominican Republic


“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)
You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.




For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies or urgent needs. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.



Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

After spending the last 4 months visiting and speaking with several Dominican and Haitian brothers from different towns and cities from different parts of the Dominican Republic, I was confident about wanting to pursue ministry partnerships with four godly men. I spent that time visiting several small towns surrounding Santiago, different barrios within Santiago and even the deep south in Pedernales. The trip to Pedernales to visit with pastor Frantzdy was further than I anticipated, but it was well worth it. Although several men were considered, all very good brothers. I was looking for certain kind of men. Men with tough skin, yet with soft hearts. Men with sound doctrine, but that are not too comfortable just teaching once in a while. Men who are bold enough to be willing to go out to the despised and rejected with the Gospel, who are not paralyzed by the fear of man and are willing to help the poor and, at times, even take risks for the Lord. Let’s be honest. It is far too easy to be bold from a pulpit in a controlled environment with a program. Anyone can do that. Our Lord commands us to go, to make disciples “as we go”. Not simply wait until they come to us. I am thankful that the Lord has given me the privilege to know these brothers and this opportunity to work with them. 


Pray for our evangelism efforts and Bible study Thursday evenings in Laguna Prieta with Pastor Job. This past Thursday we went out in the community and spoke with several men, women and adolescents. We shared the Gospel with many and about ten of them were willing to attend the Bible study the following week. Pastor Job is very experienced with evangelism and bold yet is kind and loving in his approach.


I spoke with Pastor Victor from the church plant in Hato Mayor. They are just in the process of constructing a new building, the old one has some issues that has compromised the integrity of the structure. He told me that when they finish the building and prepare the office space, the church desires to have a space for the BCMS office there as well. They are excited about the new doors the Lord has been opening and also want to be involved in the mission work we are doing. Praise the Lord.


This church is dear to me and  I feel quite honored by such a gesture. I was their Pastor. We laughed and cried together through many things. Some of those brothers and sisters have gone with me to preach the Gospel in many different towns over the years. I am very thankful.


The team has already begun our bi-weekly meetings. So far, in accord with our work plan, we have a series of teachings online for the team and invited guests. Our expositor for those teachings will be Pastor and former missionary to the Dominican Republic, Jared Duncan. The topic is, of course, the Gospel, and the first session will be on July 20th. It is a 3 part series:


  1. What  is the Gospel?

  2. The Gospel for the lost

  3. The Gospel for the church


We have begun a Bible study in a vulnerable area, also in accord with the work plan. It is an area on the outskirts of Santiago called Laguna Prieta. It is a mostly Haitian population, but we have begun evangelizing and inviting the Dominicans in the area to the Bible study as well. We have also begun an evangelism plan we are executing on Tuesdays, and we go on Thursdays for the Bible study and question and answer session. We also sing a few hymns, and all the teaching is in Haitian Creole. My Creole is improving, and thanks to Pastor Job, Frantdzy and brother Leonel’s help, we have begun translating our articles into Creole as well. Lord willing, all of our articles and theological reflections will be in all three languages, English, Spanish and Haitian Creole. I see French versions coming in the near future as well, Lord willing. Here are the links to what we have translated so far.


Christ is Everything



The Father of Mercies and Comforter In Our Afflictions



Jesus, Friend of Sinners




In just a few weeks, the group in Laguna Prieta has grown. We have already purchased some chairs for that, but we will need to buy more soon and put up a tarp. Some of the men there are going to help us cut some of the tall grass there and put in a few posts for the tarp. They seem very helpful and willing, and seem to know that we come with good intentions. We even bring snacks and refreshments for after the Bible study. Yeison is good at reminding me to take plenty of repellant to that place. As always, he is my little helper and sets up the chairs for us. 


By God’s grace, much of what was planned and prayed for is now happening, and it is pretty exciting. We have an evangelism training in August that I will be teaching. It will be hosted at Pastor Francisco’s church and we will have brothers and sisters from Pastor Victor’s and Job’s congregations, as well as brethren from a few other churches in the area that were invited. It will be on a Saturday from 10am-3pm with a break for lunch and fellowship. It is titled “Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism in the Local Church.” Please be in prayer for these things.


In Juana Mendez, Leonel keeps preaching the Gospel and helping the vulnerable faithfully. We have begun helping a nursing home with many elderly there. Leonel has befriended the Director and she is very thankful. Unfortunately, they often don’t have the resources to always feed them daily. We began helping with a two week supply of basic food items. But, with a little support from our donors, we could do a monthly donation. Three hundred US dollars covers some staple food items for almost a month. It is also an opportunity to minister to a group of people who are reaching the end of their journey in this world. They need the Gospel. Pray for Leonel, for them and consider helping towards this cause.Be on the lookout for another update from brother Rafael’s efforts as well. There is  much more that can be said, but we want others to read the update, so I will keep it short.


 Please feel free to share this ministry update with others. We are extremely grateful for the doors that the Lord is opening and for what the Lord is doing among us. We ask that you pray for us and consider giving towards this ministry to help us do even more. May God bless you for your prayers and generosity. Grace and peace.


In Christ,

Antonio Salgado serving in the Dominican Republic

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)
You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.




For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.




Grace and peace to you and yours brothers and sisters,

Our current situation is completely indescribable; The country is divided into 10 departments, 42 cities, 145 municipalities, and 571 municipal sections. But, the capital of Haiti is located in one department, and everything you need to live as a human being come from the capital or you have to go to the capital to find it.

All the difficulties we are going through is very much because we cannot reach the capital due to the criminal activities of the gangs that are in the westside of the country.

If we are honest, we can say we are only eating thanks to the Lord. But although others may not admit it, the Dominican Republic and other countries are helping our country too. But there is heavy a tension and that is what hurts me, because the Dominican authorities are often humiliating people in their treatment with the Haitians in their country. 

The situation is difficult to put into words. They sell us expired products. I went today to change expired sardines they sold me and they left it to in order to sell it to another person. Oftentimes, my people do not protest easily, more if it is cheap and something needed. There are some things I cannot even say here. As believers, we are constantly having to guard our hearts in the face of suffering and injustice.

If it were not for those neighboring countries, like the United States that sellsus products of all kinds, nobody knows what would be of us. There is no work, no money, life is totally difficult. If the capital does not work properly, the whole country is paralyzed, it is the capital that ultimately determines the good and the bad of the rest of the country. Our country exists with almost no authorities or guidance, only the national police are functioning. No government, no president, no order. 

Please pray for me. In the next few days, I will be visiting a dispensary for the people of Juana Mendez, where thousands of people come every day. It seems that almost everyone is in need and it can get a bit rough there.

I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to the Lord and to the brothers and sisters who pray for me and support our efforts. I usually am a working man. I like to work and produce for myself and my family. Unfortunately, right now there isn´t any work. So especially in these very difficult times here, I am very thankful for BCMS, because due to the Lord´s provision through our partners, I can pay for my children’s studies, our food, and praise God that my children have not been seriously ill, because the hospitals in Haiti cannot help us very much.

Recently, I have had the privilege of preaching the Gospel in a few different towns. But in Juana Mendez (Ouanaminthe), the Lord recently crossed my path with the director of a home for the elderly. There are over 60 people living there, but sadly they struggle to  feed them daily. The director shared with me that there are days they don´t have anything to offer them. After speaking with Antonio, we quickly did what we could to take them some food that should last at least 12-15 days. We saw this as a way to show compassion to a vulnerable group and an opportunity to share the Gospel with those who are reaching the end of their lives. 

I also recently visited the hospitals in Juana Mendez to share the Gospel and pray with many sick people whose conditions were very sad. We shared and prayed with a woman who was very ill and couldn’t talk or eat. Another woman who was very ill and all alone but has a husband to went to find work in the DR to try to help her. Another man with a prostate cancer and many others. Apart from sharing Christ and praying with them, we also helped them to cover the cost of a few medications. Please pray for the many people who God has brought across my path that I have shared the Gospel with. That the Lord would open their hearts to receive Christ. 

Please continue to pray for me as the apostle Paul says,

Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.” – Ephesians 6:19

In Christ,

Leonel Riviere

BCMS partner in Ouanaminthe, Haiti

(Translated by Antonio Salgado

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)
You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.




For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.





May the peace of Christ be with you my dear brethren.

The Lord, by His grace, continues to help us here in Maracay, Venezuela.

This month has been very busy, we continue with open-air preaching weekly, the Lord has granted us a good time.

Also, every Tuesday we are teaching the Gospel to a group of employees of a brother of the congregation, the Lord is granting us to see people really concerned about their spiritual life in that place. May the Lord bring salvation.

By the grace of the Lord this month I had the opportunity to attend a 2-day Marriage Conference (Marriage Covenant) with a pastor who came from the Dominican Republic, Pastor Salvador Gómez Dickson of the Lord Jesus Christ Bible Church, we really needed this time to remember our Marriage Covenant that we made 15 years ago. It was a great help to us.

This weekend I was accompanying the Pastor of the congregation to a place called San José de Mapuey in San Carlos de Cojedes. Whereby the grace of the Lord, there is a group of brothers who are meeting and want to form a local church in that place, we are helping them and bringing teachings to that place monthly, we hope to go every two weeks, but the demand is strong and there are other matters to attend to, but we are organizing to see if in a few months we can attend more regularly.

And also this weekend I was given the opportunity to preach in a church where there is no Pastor in the State of Carabobo, it was a great blessing to be able to meet new brothers.

Pray that the Lord is granting the grace to see in many places in Venezuela men and women with the desire to have biblical churches, churches where the Gospel is preached faithfully.

Keep praying my brothers, for our local church so that the Lord will raise up more men for service. This is a continual prayer of ours.

I would also like to ask that you not stop praying for my family so that we may remain faithful to the Lord and that He may help us in raising our children. We need much of His grace.

In Christ,

Rafael Rodríguez

BCMS worker serving in Maracay, Venezuela

(Translated by Antonio Salgado)

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511
You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)
You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.




For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.


Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

March was a busy but fruitful month! Here’s an update on my mission activities. BUT FIRST, I would like to share that a very, very special little boy just turned 10 years old! It’s hard to believe how big he has gotten. I am so very proud of the young man Yeison is becoming. May the Lord give him grace and wisdom and use him someday to reach many. Pray for me as I try to be the best possible earthly father to him. He is such a gift from God, and it amazes me how much God can use a small child to teach us about some big things in life. Thank you, Lord, for Yeison´s life.

Collaboration and Strengthening Local Churches:

  • I’ve been meeting with local pastors and brothers to coordinate a year-long plan, including online workshops and support for struggling churches in the city of Santiago and in other vulnerable rural areas.
  • The goal is to strengthen churches through leadership and evangelism training, resource provision, and collaboration with other local churches.
  • Our vision encapsulates our long-term aspirations, emphasizing not just the initial planting of churches, but also their growth and sustainability.

Online Workshops:

  • Three good brothers have committed to joining us in teaching through the online workshops: a brother in Venezuela, a former missionary to the DR in the US, and a pastor here in the Dominican Republic.
  • Workshop topics will cover topics like the Gospel, evangelism & missions, discipleship, spiritual disciplines, and pastoral care with several men connected virtually in four different countries, the U.S., Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela, Lord willing.

Your Prayers Needed:

We ask for your prayers for wisdom and discernment in several areas:

    • Identifying the most qualified brothers according to 2 Timothy 2:2 principles (faithful and able to teach), to work with and support.
    • Please pray for wisdom in the decision-making process.
    • Discerning real needs and determining priorities in each situation.
    • Provision to maintain our commitment to the vulnerable churches we work with.

Meetings and Partnerships:

  • I have a meeting with Francisco Rosario, a theologically sound pastor in Santiago. After a few conversations, the brother has expressed his desire to collaborate with us. I am especially looking forward to this meeting. I invited Francisco to preach at the church in Hato Mayor years ago, and he is a great expositor of God’s Word.
  • I also have a meeting with brother Hosmane Clevoir, who speaks Spanish and Creole and has studied theology.
  • Three other profiles on candidates for partnership are almost complete. Please pray as everything seems to be coming together by the grace of God.

Collaborating with Existing Ministries:

  • I met with brother Alberto “Betico” in Boruco. He is presently discipling two solid young men, but needs some help and a few resources to better serve the community. A plan is being developed to support him and that church.
  • By God’s grace, I will be providing him with a Kindle loaded with theological books and a physical copy of a discipleship book by Otto Sanchez, (a Dominican pastor, my former professor and personal friend), and several tracts and other literature to share.
    •  More copies of that excellent book will be purchased for other collaborating brothers.
  • In Hato Mayor, Pastor Victor requested evangelism training and collaboration opportunities for his church and remains committed to that work.

There are other cases being evaluated before committing, the idea being long term partnerships towards a common goal with continued care and commitment to that partnership.

Our mission statement defines our purpose and key activities as the following:

    • Equipping nationals: Empowering individuals within these countries to lead and sustain ministry efforts.
    • Making disciples: Growing individuals in their faith and equipping them to share the Gospel.
    • Collaborating with local partners: Working alongside existing churches and organizations to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize impact.
    • Planting and strengthening churches: Establishing new congregations and supporting existing ones.
    • Fulfilling the Great Commission: Carrying out Jesus’ command to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

Project PG: A Hearfelt Plea for Yera in Piedra Gorda

  • We’re slowly but surely progressing with Project PG, aiming to build a home for Yera, (Yeison’s biological mother).
  • Land has been secured, and fundraising is underway. So far we have $1,050 dollars towards the project.
  • But, there are now two potential locations (very near to each other) that have been offered as the location for the home at no cost. One of the options is land that was donated to a group of pastors and missionaries I worked with in the past. Both plots are being evaluated to determine the best choice, all things considered.
  • Construction of the house could be completed in two months with sufficient funding.
  • Please consider donating, sharing this project and read more about the project here: https://salgadodrmission.com/2024/02/project-pg-a-heartfelt-plea-for-yera-in-piedra-gorda/

Personal Studies:

BCMS Mission Partners:

  • Leonel and Rafael’s updates have been reported separately but more often in the Facebook group. Both have been diligent in ministry, but are in need of our continued prayers.
  • Rafael is doing well but asks for prayers for his daughter Valentina. She has a gland in her face that is causing swelling, and they still don’t have any solid answers from the doctors. Please pray for Valentina. You can read more about some of the recent things that the Lord is doing through Rafael here https://salgadodrmission.com/2024/03/4263/ 
  • Haiti continues in a state of emergency and the situation is becoming worse with each passing day. Continue to pray for Leonel and his family as the Dominican Republic continues to deport Haitians despite the current state of emergency.
  • Communication with Leonel has increased recently, thank God, and Leonel is presently putting together a list of their most urgent needs. They need everything, but mostly food. Amidst all the chaos in Haiti, brother Leonel remains faithful in his duties and compassionate to those in need around him.
  • Please continue to pray for these dear brothers.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

In Christ,

Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.


Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ. The following is an update from the mission field by BCMS worker, brother Rafael Rodriguez. Please continue to pray for our Project PG and our present and future mission endeavors.


“Greetings, dear brothers and sisters.

Here’s a report on some of our recent activities, all done for the glory of Christ.


By God’s grace, we’ve been visiting the children’s emergency room at the central hospital, providing food (around 60 arepas) and sharing the Gospel message of hope. This helps families in need, offering sustenance to hospitalized children (for those whose diets permit it) and their accompanying parents.

As you may know, we face a healthcare crisis. Medications are expensive, and medical care has significantly declined. Please join us in prayer, asking the Lord for his grace to help us overcome this challenging situation and the detrimental effects of the current system. It’s heartbreaking to see so many struggle with such basic healthcare needs.

Our outreach extends beyond the hospital. We’ve been actively preaching in public squares, distributing Christian literature, and engaging in conversations with people we encounter. This includes preaching and handing out materials on passenger vans as well.

Distribution of Christ centered literature:

The Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to continue supporting other pastors and preachers with more Christ-centered literature with the hope that they may become more Christ centered in their teaching and preaching ministries. Here are a few I most recently was able to share with.

Brother Ronny Morillo, a dedicated leader planting a church called “Las Riquezas de su Gracia” in a nearby town, received several Baptist confessions of faith and a family theology book.

The pastor and president of a Pentecostal federation (La Vida Verdadera church) with over 20 years of experience also received numerous books to enhance his preaching ministry.

Evangelist Rober Aranguren was gifted two books: “The Attributes of God” and “The Gospel of Grace.”

Additionally, a new church called the Church of God received several catechisms for their children’s Christian education program.

We are thankful for Chapel Library who sends these types of literature to many different countries. Please pray for the pastors and preachers receiving these valuable resources. May the Lord empower them in their preaching, allowing the message delivered from their pulpits to become increasingly Christ-centered.

Local Church:

Our discipleship program continues to flourish, with 14 individuals actively seeking membership in our local church. They are enthusiastic and growing in their faith.

We kindly ask for your continued prayers as we seek the Lord to raise up more pastors and deacons within our local church body.


We would greatly appreciate your prayers for our family, that we may continue to be a family that glorifies God.

In particular, we request prayers for my eldest daughter, Valentina. She has been experiencing inflammation in her parotid gland. Despite multiple tests and treatments, a definitive diagnosis remains elusive. Please pray for her health and for our peace of mind in the Lord.

Finally, we ask for your prayers for continued provision, allowing us to reach out and support more vulnerable individuals in our community.

May the peace of Christ be with you all.”

Rafael Rodriguez


Translated to English by Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.


“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5


If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.





Update from Rafael Rodriguez Serving in Maracay, Venezuela

“Greetings brothers and sisters,

By the grace of the Lord, I was blessed to be able to go with my family to share the Gospel in a nearby community called Turmero. There is a new church is being planted there.

The person in charge of the mission is a very good and beloved friend of mine.  I spoke to the brethren that day on the mercy of God. There are presently about 12 brothers and sisters who gather regularly. The brother in charge is of a different theological background but is humble and open to learn. He and the group have been gathering diligently to study the doctrines of grace and the biblical Gospel. Praise the Lord for their desire to study and grow.

Please pray that the Lord will continue to help us, and help them, so that the Lord will bless the preaching of the Gospel in that community and that these brothers and sisters may continue to grow in knowledge and grace.”

The peace of Christ be with you.

BCMS Worker Rafael Rodriguez

Translated by Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can donate to this ministry online with PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.


Congratulations to brother Leonel on reaching the halfway point of his Bachelor’s degree in Theology. This is a remarkable achievement that requires dedication, study, and a true passion for faith. It is inspiring to see his commitment and constant effort on this journey of spiritual and academic growth, especially amidst the many challenges he faces with the present situation in his country.

Leonel has served the Lord for several years, in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic. But it was in recent years, through the support of our mission partners, that he was able to begin studying formally. May the Lord continue to use him for His glory, and that this would be just another step towards Leonel serving our Lord and His people in an even deeper way.

Thank you for helping us equip the saints, investing in faithful men like Leonel who can teach others also. Soli Deo Gloria

What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.- 2 Timothy 2:2

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.- 2 Timothy 2:1



Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can donate to this ministry online with PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.

A Letter of Gratitude From The Mission Field, First Anniversary of BCMS Venezuela

BCMS recently celebrated our first year working in Venezuela. Brother Rafael has been faithful in his local church and in assisting other local churches in teaching, disaster relief after the flooding in Castaño, open air preaching in the streets and plazas, prison ministry, visiting the hospitals and homes of the most vulnerable taking them help and the hope of the Gospel.

The following is a letter of gratitude for the prayers and support from BCMS worker Rafael Rodriguez in Maracay, Venezuela.  Those who pray and give to missions, play a role just as important as the missionary on the field. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity.


“The grace, love and peace of Christ be with you all.

Beloved brothers, greetings. Today, I can finally express to you in writing the feelings and words that my family and I have kept in our hearts. After a blessed year of receiving your very fruitful and great help.

We can hardly thank you enough. We lift our prayers before the heavenly throne for you and for this beautiful ministry that has decided to fulfill God’s call to take the gospel to the whole world through missions.

My family and I are extremely thankful for Biblical Christian Missionary Society and for all the brothers and sisters who give, who make it possible for men like me to dedicate more time to the mission and service of going (Mark 16:15) in our city. Without ever neglecting our role as providers in the home.

In recent decades, our nation Venezuela has been hit by an economic and social instability that has pushed many ministers out of the country. However, there are many of us who, despite this, still want to see the hand of God in the lives of the most vulnerable Venezuelans, and we have taken on the task of continuing to sow the seed of the gospel while it is possible and wise for us to do so according to our responsibility as guardians of our families. Dear brothers, your help makes it possible to carry out this desire, so we are really moved, and we do not tire of thanking God for these blessings and for your lives.

Despite how complex things have been here in Venezuela, the Lord has used the lives of your donors, who support missions, to continue carrying the message in this nation. You are undoubtedly part of this work!

Therefore, we thank each one of you as we celebrate this happy first anniversary of support and service in Venezuela.

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your seed and multiply the fruits of your righteousness, so that you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which produces thanksgiving to God through us. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God.” 2 Cor 9:10-12

You are part of every teaching and collaboration that reaches the homes of families full of spiritual and material needs. Your effort is present in every outreach to take the message to the streets, every tour exposing the gospel in the squares, every visit to the prisons and every comfort in the hospitals.

The Lord does not forget what you do. Keep on storing up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupts, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20

For our part, we want to continue serving the Lord as missionaries, committed to proclaiming a biblical gospel centered on the person and work of Christ, serving the Lord in our local church, as well as giving to the extent of our ability to help the neediest in our community with food.

We are also willing to collaborate in other ways for the advancement of the ministry and its mission, such as writing articles and sharing our teachings in the different formats or languages that are required, among others.

I also beg you to please continue praying for our family: my wife Yohanny and my children Valentina, Grace and Benjamin. For the conversion of the souls to whom we regularly preach and help, for the proclamation in the hospitals, the exposition in the prisons, the preaching outdoors and of course, for our local church.

Without further ado, I can only wish that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”


Rafael Rodriguez serving in Maracay, Venezuela

BCMS in Venezuela  (Translated by Antonio Salgado)

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can donate to this ministry online with PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.