Preaching the Gospel in Yaguita de Pastor: An Update from Pastor Francisco
Pastor Francisco, his wife Claudia, their son, and a fellow brother from their church recently took to the streets of Yaguita de Pastor with a burning passion – to share the transformative power of the Gospel with their neighbors.
Their commitment to serving their community is deeply rooted. Living near the people of Yaguita de Pastor fuels their desire to see lives changed and hearts touched by the Gospel.
Pastor Francisco, reflecting on their outreach, shared these inspiring words:
“The Gospel is so impressive that it breaks the barriers of culture, language, and status, because Christ is the good news. He reached Saul of Tarsus, and He reached me. There is no place, no people that the Gospel cannot reach, from the richest to the most vulnerable. The Gospel has no borders.”
This belief – that the Gospel transcends all boundaries – was evident in their approach. They engaged with people from all walks of life, sharing the message of salvation and inviting them to experience the love of God firsthand.
Pastor Francisco recounted:
“Thank you my brother for your prayers. In the first part of evangelization of the entire Yaguita de Pastor area, the Lord showed his mercy and goodness to our community. The people were very attentive to the word of God, and we also invited them to join us for worship. May the God of peace grant that they may be able to come. God is good all the time. Glory to God alone.”
The invitation to worship wasn’t just a formality; it was a genuine extension of fellowship and a desire to walk alongside these new connections. It’s a testament to the power of cultivating of authentic relationships when sharing the Gospel with the intention of discipleship.
This outreach in Yaguita de Pastor is just the beginning. Pastor Francisco and his team are committed to cultivating the seeds that have been planted. Let’s join them in prayer, asking God to continue to move in the hearts of the people of Yaguita de Pastor and to empower Pastor Francisco and his team as they continue to shine the light of Christ in their community.
Reported by BCMS missionary Francisco Rosario serving in Santiago, Dominican Republic
Translated and edited by Antonio Salgado
Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in difficult contexts. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.
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Whatever you decide, thank you so much for reading this update. Grace and peace.