Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ. The following is an update from the mission field by BCMS worker, brother Rafael Rodriguez. Please continue to pray for our Project PG and our present and future mission endeavors.
“Greetings, dear brothers and sisters.
Here’s a report on some of our recent activities, all done for the glory of Christ.
By God’s grace, we’ve been visiting the children’s emergency room at the central hospital, providing food (around 60 arepas) and sharing the Gospel message of hope. This helps families in need, offering sustenance to hospitalized children (for those whose diets permit it) and their accompanying parents.
As you may know, we face a healthcare crisis. Medications are expensive, and medical care has significantly declined. Please join us in prayer, asking the Lord for his grace to help us overcome this challenging situation and the detrimental effects of the current system. It’s heartbreaking to see so many struggle with such basic healthcare needs.
Our outreach extends beyond the hospital. We’ve been actively preaching in public squares, distributing Christian literature, and engaging in conversations with people we encounter. This includes preaching and handing out materials on passenger vans as well.
Distribution of Christ centered literature:
The Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to continue supporting other pastors and preachers with more Christ-centered literature with the hope that they may become more Christ centered in their teaching and preaching ministries. Here are a few I most recently was able to share with.
Brother Ronny Morillo, a dedicated leader planting a church called “Las Riquezas de su Gracia” in a nearby town, received several Baptist confessions of faith and a family theology book.
The pastor and president of a Pentecostal federation (La Vida Verdadera church) with over 20 years of experience also received numerous books to enhance his preaching ministry.
Evangelist Rober Aranguren was gifted two books: “The Attributes of God” and “The Gospel of Grace.”
Additionally, a new church called the Church of God received several catechisms for their children’s Christian education program.
We are thankful for Chapel Library who sends these types of literature to many different countries. Please pray for the pastors and preachers receiving these valuable resources. May the Lord empower them in their preaching, allowing the message delivered from their pulpits to become increasingly Christ-centered.
Local Church:
Our discipleship program continues to flourish, with 14 individuals actively seeking membership in our local church. They are enthusiastic and growing in their faith.
We kindly ask for your continued prayers as we seek the Lord to raise up more pastors and deacons within our local church body.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers for our family, that we may continue to be a family that glorifies God.
In particular, we request prayers for my eldest daughter, Valentina. She has been experiencing inflammation in her parotid gland. Despite multiple tests and treatments, a definitive diagnosis remains elusive. Please pray for her health and for our peace of mind in the Lord.
Finally, we ask for your prayers for continued provision, allowing us to reach out and support more vulnerable individuals in our community.
May the peace of Christ be with you all.”
Rafael Rodriguez
Translated to English by Antonio Salgado
Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.
“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5
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