Prayer request for Valentina

Here is a brief report on Rafael’s daughter Valentina’s health:

My dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord bless you.

“I’m writing to give you a short update on Valentina Rodriguez’s health. Unfortunately, the inflammation in her right parotid gland hasn’t gone away despite the treatments and the special diet she’s been on. There’s also some slight swelling in her left parotid gland now as well.

The current treatment plan aims to boost her immune system and eliminate some parasites that might be contributing to the inflammation. The doctor extended both the diet and the treatment for another three months. The new diet is quite restrictive, requiring her to completely avoid flour, dairy products, gluten, processed meats, and sugar. Thankfully, she hasn’t experienced any pain or discomfort so far, and we’re grateful for the Lord’s blessings in that regard.

We would truly appreciate your prayers for Valentina. Our ultimate desire is for her complete recovery, and we’re hoping to find a more effective treatment that can truly cure her. Right now, we’re trying a natural treatment approach. We also ask for your prayers regarding the financial burden of the treatment, which involves several different medications and the specialized diet. Finally, please pray for Valentina to have strength and patience as she adheres to this strict new diet.”

Thank you for your continued love and support.

Grace and peace

Rafael and Yohanny Rodriguez

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