Grace and peace to you and yours brothers and sisters,

Our current situation is completely indescribable; The country is divided into 10 departments, 42 cities, 145 municipalities, and 571 municipal sections. But, the capital of Haiti is located in one department, and everything you need to live as a human being come from the capital or you have to go to the capital to find it.

All the difficulties we are going through is very much because we cannot reach the capital due to the criminal activities of the gangs that are in the westside of the country.

If we are honest, we can say we are only eating thanks to the Lord. But although others may not admit it, the Dominican Republic and other countries are helping our country too. But there is heavy a tension and that is what hurts me, because the Dominican authorities are often humiliating people in their treatment with the Haitians in their country. 

The situation is difficult to put into words. They sell us expired products. I went today to change expired sardines they sold me and they left it to in order to sell it to another person. Oftentimes, my people do not protest easily, more if it is cheap and something needed. There are some things I cannot even say here. As believers, we are constantly having to guard our hearts in the face of suffering and injustice.

If it were not for those neighboring countries, like the United States that sellsus products of all kinds, nobody knows what would be of us. There is no work, no money, life is totally difficult. If the capital does not work properly, the whole country is paralyzed, it is the capital that ultimately determines the good and the bad of the rest of the country. Our country exists with almost no authorities or guidance, only the national police are functioning. No government, no president, no order. 

Please pray for me. In the next few days, I will be visiting a dispensary for the people of Juana Mendez, where thousands of people come every day. It seems that almost everyone is in need and it can get a bit rough there.

I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude to the Lord and to the brothers and sisters who pray for me and support our efforts. I usually am a working man. I like to work and produce for myself and my family. Unfortunately, right now there isn´t any work. So especially in these very difficult times here, I am very thankful for BCMS, because due to the Lord´s provision through our partners, I can pay for my children’s studies, our food, and praise God that my children have not been seriously ill, because the hospitals in Haiti cannot help us very much.

Recently, I have had the privilege of preaching the Gospel in a few different towns. But in Juana Mendez (Ouanaminthe), the Lord recently crossed my path with the director of a home for the elderly. There are over 60 people living there, but sadly they struggle to  feed them daily. The director shared with me that there are days they don´t have anything to offer them. After speaking with Antonio, we quickly did what we could to take them some food that should last at least 12-15 days. We saw this as a way to show compassion to a vulnerable group and an opportunity to share the Gospel with those who are reaching the end of their lives. 

I also recently visited the hospitals in Juana Mendez to share the Gospel and pray with many sick people whose conditions were very sad. We shared and prayed with a woman who was very ill and couldn’t talk or eat. Another woman who was very ill and all alone but has a husband to went to find work in the DR to try to help her. Another man with a prostate cancer and many others. Apart from sharing Christ and praying with them, we also helped them to cover the cost of a few medications. Please pray for the many people who God has brought across my path that I have shared the Gospel with. That the Lord would open their hearts to receive Christ. 

Please continue to pray for me as the apostle Paul says,

Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel.” – Ephesians 6:19

In Christ,

Leonel Riviere

BCMS partner in Ouanaminthe, Haiti

(Translated by Antonio Salgado

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)
You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.




For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.



Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

March was a busy but fruitful month! Here’s an update on my mission activities. BUT FIRST, I would like to share that a very, very special little boy just turned 10 years old! It’s hard to believe how big he has gotten. I am so very proud of the young man Yeison is becoming. May the Lord give him grace and wisdom and use him someday to reach many. Pray for me as I try to be the best possible earthly father to him. He is such a gift from God, and it amazes me how much God can use a small child to teach us about some big things in life. Thank you, Lord, for Yeison´s life.

Collaboration and Strengthening Local Churches:

  • I’ve been meeting with local pastors and brothers to coordinate a year-long plan, including online workshops and support for struggling churches in the city of Santiago and in other vulnerable rural areas.
  • The goal is to strengthen churches through leadership and evangelism training, resource provision, and collaboration with other local churches.
  • Our vision encapsulates our long-term aspirations, emphasizing not just the initial planting of churches, but also their growth and sustainability.

Online Workshops:

  • Three good brothers have committed to joining us in teaching through the online workshops: a brother in Venezuela, a former missionary to the DR in the US, and a pastor here in the Dominican Republic.
  • Workshop topics will cover topics like the Gospel, evangelism & missions, discipleship, spiritual disciplines, and pastoral care with several men connected virtually in four different countries, the U.S., Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela, Lord willing.

Your Prayers Needed:

We ask for your prayers for wisdom and discernment in several areas:

    • Identifying the most qualified brothers according to 2 Timothy 2:2 principles (faithful and able to teach), to work with and support.
    • Please pray for wisdom in the decision-making process.
    • Discerning real needs and determining priorities in each situation.
    • Provision to maintain our commitment to the vulnerable churches we work with.

Meetings and Partnerships:

  • I have a meeting with Francisco Rosario, a theologically sound pastor in Santiago. After a few conversations, the brother has expressed his desire to collaborate with us. I am especially looking forward to this meeting. I invited Francisco to preach at the church in Hato Mayor years ago, and he is a great expositor of God’s Word.
  • I also have a meeting with brother Hosmane Clevoir, who speaks Spanish and Creole and has studied theology.
  • Three other profiles on candidates for partnership are almost complete. Please pray as everything seems to be coming together by the grace of God.

Collaborating with Existing Ministries:

  • I met with brother Alberto “Betico” in Boruco. He is presently discipling two solid young men, but needs some help and a few resources to better serve the community. A plan is being developed to support him and that church.
  • By God’s grace, I will be providing him with a Kindle loaded with theological books and a physical copy of a discipleship book by Otto Sanchez, (a Dominican pastor, my former professor and personal friend), and several tracts and other literature to share.
    •  More copies of that excellent book will be purchased for other collaborating brothers.
  • In Hato Mayor, Pastor Victor requested evangelism training and collaboration opportunities for his church and remains committed to that work.

There are other cases being evaluated before committing, the idea being long term partnerships towards a common goal with continued care and commitment to that partnership.

Our mission statement defines our purpose and key activities as the following:

    • Equipping nationals: Empowering individuals within these countries to lead and sustain ministry efforts.
    • Making disciples: Growing individuals in their faith and equipping them to share the Gospel.
    • Collaborating with local partners: Working alongside existing churches and organizations to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize impact.
    • Planting and strengthening churches: Establishing new congregations and supporting existing ones.
    • Fulfilling the Great Commission: Carrying out Jesus’ command to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

Project PG: A Hearfelt Plea for Yera in Piedra Gorda

  • We’re slowly but surely progressing with Project PG, aiming to build a home for Yera, (Yeison’s biological mother).
  • Land has been secured, and fundraising is underway. So far we have $1,050 dollars towards the project.
  • But, there are now two potential locations (very near to each other) that have been offered as the location for the home at no cost. One of the options is land that was donated to a group of pastors and missionaries I worked with in the past. Both plots are being evaluated to determine the best choice, all things considered.
  • Construction of the house could be completed in two months with sufficient funding.
  • Please consider donating, sharing this project and read more about the project here: https://salgadodrmission.com/2024/02/project-pg-a-heartfelt-plea-for-yera-in-piedra-gorda/

Personal Studies:

BCMS Mission Partners:

  • Leonel and Rafael’s updates have been reported separately but more often in the Facebook group. Both have been diligent in ministry, but are in need of our continued prayers.
  • Rafael is doing well but asks for prayers for his daughter Valentina. She has a gland in her face that is causing swelling, and they still don’t have any solid answers from the doctors. Please pray for Valentina. You can read more about some of the recent things that the Lord is doing through Rafael here https://salgadodrmission.com/2024/03/4263/ 
  • Haiti continues in a state of emergency and the situation is becoming worse with each passing day. Continue to pray for Leonel and his family as the Dominican Republic continues to deport Haitians despite the current state of emergency.
  • Communication with Leonel has increased recently, thank God, and Leonel is presently putting together a list of their most urgent needs. They need everything, but mostly food. Amidst all the chaos in Haiti, brother Leonel remains faithful in his duties and compassionate to those in need around him.
  • Please continue to pray for these dear brothers.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

In Christ,

Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.

Project PG: A Heartfelt Plea for Yera in Piedra Gorda

Dear Friends, Mission Partners, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

My heart draws me to share about a recent visit to Piedra Gorda, a place etched deeply in my memories. Years ago, in 2008, as a pastor’s translator, I served this community alongside the beloved brothers and sisters there. I eventually moved to the mission field full time in 2012. Even after settling in Esperanza, I continued to share preaching, teaching, and evangelism responsibilities there and in two other churches in two different towns.

Throughout the years, Piedra Gorda held a special place in my heart, especially during the early years of my arrival in the mission field. I participated in projects with visiting teams, witnessed times of hardship like Yeison’s grandmother’s passing and Yera’s struggles, and experienced the dwindling visits from foreigners who at one time came to help. Yet, the connections remained, and the people continued to be dear to me.

This recent trip held a deeper purpose. My son, Yeison, who is almost  ten years old, very bright and very aware, desired to visit his biological mother Yera and wanted to offer help to her and her caretaker Brunilda. Their needs weighed heavily on our hearts, knowing the challenges they face. So that morning, we sent a surprise video message from Yeison to Yera which brought tears to her eyes, reminding her of the son she dearly loves. It was a beautiful reunion filled with joy and tears when we arrived just a few hours later.

Brunilda pictured above cooking outside of her home.

Yera, burdened by a mental disability, gave birth to Yeison when she was 20. Although aware of him and expressing affection, she is unable to care for herself, let alone a child. By God’s grace, Yeison has been with me since infancy, a constant reminder of God’s love and the Gospel. However, a growing concern weighs heavily on me: what will happen to Yera if Brunilda, her dedicated caretaker with her own health issues, is no longer able to care for her?

Brunilda has been an extraordinary blessing to Yera, transforming her life from a state of neglect to a safer and more comfortable existence. Beyond Yera, she opened her heart and home to vulnerable children, shielding them from exploitation and harm. This community lacks safe havens for individuals like Yera, and the thought of her falling into the wrong hands is terrifying.

Seeking solutions with prayer and guidance, I envisioned building a small and affordable home for Yera near Brunilda’s home. This would ensure her safety and provide continuity of care even if unforeseen circumstances arose. Brother Freddy, a trustworthy leader in the community, has built similar homes and would be instrumental in this project.

While exploring alternative options, visiting facilities for disabled individuals left me furious and at the same time, heartbroken. Witnessing the lack of proper care and potential for abuse solidified my conviction: Yera deserves better.

Thankfully, a small plot of land in Piedra Gorda has been graciously donated, paving the way for this project. My hope is that Yeison, who already expresses concern for his mother, will be able to support her in the future when he is an adult. Building this home will offer him the opportunity to fulfill that desire and ensure Yera’s well-being, especially when needed most.

Please join me in prayer for Yera, Brunilda, and the entire community of Piedra Gorda. Pray for wisdom and guidance as we move forward with this project. Consider partnering with us through a commitment to making this vision a reality. Your support will not only benefit Yera and Brunilda but also open doors for further ministry opportunities in this precious community.

As you can see, Yera and Brunilda face a desperate situation. Building a safe haven for Yera is crucial, not only for her well-being, but also to honor Brunilda’s years of selfless care. With your generous support of $18,000, we can make this a reality. This is the price of a church van in this country. Yet for the same amount you can help us provide a home, a long term solution for Yera. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal.

With your generous support of $18,000, we can make this a reality. This is the price of a church van in this country. Yet for the same amount you can help us provide a long term solution for Yera. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal.

Together, we can offer Yera the security and care she needs. This wouldn’t be just any house; it will be a small, yet well-built structure designed to last for many years, ensuring comfort and safety for Yera well into the future. By contributing, you’re not just providing temporary relief, but investing in a long term solution.

Remember, Brunilda has dedicated years to caring for Yera, and ensuring her well-being even if unforeseen circumstances arise is paramount. Please consider joining us in this meaningful endeavor. Your compassion could change the course of their lives. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generosity.

In Christ,

Antonio Salgado

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.– Philippians 1:3-5



“Those who pray for, and give to missions, play a crucial role just as important as the missionary on the field. We really believe that. Thank you for holding the rope for us.”

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry or contributing to the aforementioned project:

You can donate to this ministry online with PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option. To donate specifically for this project, please add a note with donation that says “Project PG”.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and some liberty in making needed adjustments and attending emergencies.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us and helping this ministry. God Bless You!