Jesús: Amigo de Pecadores / Marcos 2:13-17


“Salió otra vez junto al mar, y toda la gente venía a él, y les enseñaba.”

  • Para Cristo, la enseñanza era importante porque la Palabra de Dios es importante.


  • Las COSAS que eran importantes para Cristo, deben ser importantes para nosotros (enseñar, predicar el Evangelio a los perdidos).


(v. 14-16) “Y pasando, vio a Leví, hijo de Alfeo, sentado en el lugar del cobro de los impuestos, y le dijo: Sígueme. Y levantándose, le siguió. Y aconteció que estando Jesús sentado a la mesa en casa de Leví, muchos publicanos y pecadores estaban comiendo juntamente con Jesús y sus discípulos; porque había muchos de ellos que le seguían. Y viendo los escribas de los fariseos que comía con los publicanos y pecadores, dijeron a sus discípulos: ¿Por qué come y bebe con los publicanos y pecadores?

  • Las PERSONAS que eran importantes para Cristo, deben ser importantes para nosotros.


(v. 17) “Y al oírlo Jesús, les dijo: No son los sanos los que necesitan médico, sino los enfermos; no vine a llamar a justos, sino a pecadores.”

  • Como seguidores de Cristo, debemos seguir el ejemplo de Cristo.


Notas Adicionales:

El pasaje resalta la disposición de Jesús de relacionarse con y aceptar a aquellos considerados marginados por la sociedad, como los recaudadores de impuestos y los pecadores. Aunque esto presenta desafíos para algunos, es un patrón claro en el ministerio de Cristo, por lo tanto, debemos imitar al Maestro en su enfoque.

Las acciones de Jesús desafiaron a las autoridades religiosas de la época, quienes creían que no debía asociarse con tales personas. A veces, los evangélicos fríos y legalistas pueden ser nuestros peores críticos. Cuando lleguen las críticas, debemos estar decididos a ser servidores de Cristo, no servidores de hombres. Cristo fue criticado y calumniado a menudo. ¿Pensaste que sería diferente para nosotros?

El mensaje de Jesús es de compasión y comprensión para aquellos que están atrapados en su pecado, y un llamado al arrepentimiento y la transformación a través de la fe en Él.

Estamos llamados a seguir el ejemplo de Jesús extendiendo la compasión en expresiones tangibles del amor de Dios a los necesitados y la esperanza a través del Evangelio a los marginados de la sociedad, sin condonar su pecado y sus comportamientos destructivos.


Jesús, en su ministerio, demostró un amor radical e invitó a los pecadores, extendiéndoles amistad a pesar de sus transgresiones. Este mensaje nos desafía a seguir Su ejemplo, extendiendo compasión y comprensión a los marginados de la sociedad, sin condonar sus comportamientos destructivos. La gracia y la compasión que Jesús ofreció a los más odiados y marginados de la sociedad fueron escandalosas entonces, y lo siguen siendo ahora.

Las personas que se criaron en la iglesia y en hogares cristianos toda su vida, con poco conocimiento del “mundo” o la “calle”, naturalmente temerán estos contextos hasta cierto punto. Y tal vez por buenas razones, ¡hay una guerra en curso y esto no es un juego!

Sin embargo, si no eres lo suficientemente valiente para correr riesgos por el Señor, probablemente nunca harás nada grandioso por Su causa. La autoconservación es un obstáculo para el Evangelio. Sal de las cuatro paredes de tu edificio y sal de tu zona de confort. No seas imprudente de ninguna manera, pero tampoco seas cobarde. Ora.

“Porque si predico el evangelio, no tengo por qué gloriarme, pues estoy bajo necesidad; porque ¡ay de mí si no predico el evangelio!”– 1 Corintios 9:16


  • Jesus: A Friend of Sinners / Mark 2:13-17
  • “And again he went out by the sea, and all the crowd came to him, and He was teaching them.”
  • For Christ, teaching was important because the Word of God is important
  • The THINGS that were important to Christ, should be important to us (teaching, preaching the Gospel to the lost)

(v. 14-16) And as he passed by, he saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax office, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’ And he got up and followed him. And it came to pass that as Jesus was reclining at table in Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many of them who followed him. And when the scribes of the Pharisees saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, they said to his disciples, ‘Why does he eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?


  • The PEOPLE who were important to Christ should be important to us


(v. 17) And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.”

  • As followers of Christ, we must follow Christ’s example


Additional Notes:

  • The passage highlights Jesus’ willingness to associate with and accept those considered outcasts by society, such as tax collectors and sinners. Although this presents its challenges for some, it is a clear pattern in the ministry of Christ, therefore we ought to imitate the Master in His approach.


  • Jesus’ actions challenged the religious authorities of the time, who believed that he should not associate with such people. Sometimes, cold and legalistic evangelicals can be our worst critics. When the critics come, we must be set on being servants of Christ, not servants of men. Christ was often criticized and slandered. Did you think it would be different for us?


  • Jesus’ message is one of compassion and understanding for those who are trapped in their sin, and a call to repentance and transformation through faith in Him.


  • We are called to follow Jesus’ example by extending compassion in tangible expressions of God’s love to those in need, and hope through the Gospel to those on the margins of society, without condoning their sin and destructive behaviors.



Jesus, in his ministry, demonstrated radical love and invited sinners, extending friendship despite their transgressions. This message challenges us to follow His example, extending compassion and understanding to those on the margins of society, without condoning their destructive behaviors. The grace and compassion that Jesus offered to the most hated and outcasted of society was scandalous then, and is scandalous now.

People who were raised in church and in Christian homes all of their lives with little knowledge of the “world” or the “streets” will naturally fear these contexts to some extent. And perhaps for some good reasons, there is a war going on out there and this is not a game!

Yet, If you aren’t bold enough to take risks for the Lord, you will probably never do anything great for His sake. Self-preservation is a hindrance to the Gospel. Get out of the four walls of your building and out of your comfort zone. Don’t be foolish by any means, but don’t be cowardly either. Pray.


For if I preach the gospel, I have no reason to boast, because I am compelled to preach—and woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!
– 1 Corinthians 9:16


Written by Antonio Salgado



Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.


If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.






P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511
You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)
You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.


For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.


Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

March was a busy but fruitful month! Here’s an update on my mission activities. BUT FIRST, I would like to share that a very, very special little boy just turned 10 years old! It’s hard to believe how big he has gotten. I am so very proud of the young man Yeison is becoming. May the Lord give him grace and wisdom and use him someday to reach many. Pray for me as I try to be the best possible earthly father to him. He is such a gift from God, and it amazes me how much God can use a small child to teach us about some big things in life. Thank you, Lord, for Yeison´s life.

Collaboration and Strengthening Local Churches:

  • I’ve been meeting with local pastors and brothers to coordinate a year-long plan, including online workshops and support for struggling churches in the city of Santiago and in other vulnerable rural areas.
  • The goal is to strengthen churches through leadership and evangelism training, resource provision, and collaboration with other local churches.
  • Our vision encapsulates our long-term aspirations, emphasizing not just the initial planting of churches, but also their growth and sustainability.

Online Workshops:

  • Three good brothers have committed to joining us in teaching through the online workshops: a brother in Venezuela, a former missionary to the DR in the US, and a pastor here in the Dominican Republic.
  • Workshop topics will cover topics like the Gospel, evangelism & missions, discipleship, spiritual disciplines, and pastoral care with several men connected virtually in four different countries, the U.S., Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela, Lord willing.

Your Prayers Needed:

We ask for your prayers for wisdom and discernment in several areas:

    • Identifying the most qualified brothers according to 2 Timothy 2:2 principles (faithful and able to teach), to work with and support.
    • Please pray for wisdom in the decision-making process.
    • Discerning real needs and determining priorities in each situation.
    • Provision to maintain our commitment to the vulnerable churches we work with.

Meetings and Partnerships:

  • I have a meeting with Francisco Rosario, a theologically sound pastor in Santiago. After a few conversations, the brother has expressed his desire to collaborate with us. I am especially looking forward to this meeting. I invited Francisco to preach at the church in Hato Mayor years ago, and he is a great expositor of God’s Word.
  • I also have a meeting with brother Hosmane Clevoir, who speaks Spanish and Creole and has studied theology.
  • Three other profiles on candidates for partnership are almost complete. Please pray as everything seems to be coming together by the grace of God.

Collaborating with Existing Ministries:

  • I met with brother Alberto “Betico” in Boruco. He is presently discipling two solid young men, but needs some help and a few resources to better serve the community. A plan is being developed to support him and that church.
  • By God’s grace, I will be providing him with a Kindle loaded with theological books and a physical copy of a discipleship book by Otto Sanchez, (a Dominican pastor, my former professor and personal friend), and several tracts and other literature to share.
    •  More copies of that excellent book will be purchased for other collaborating brothers.
  • In Hato Mayor, Pastor Victor requested evangelism training and collaboration opportunities for his church and remains committed to that work.

There are other cases being evaluated before committing, the idea being long term partnerships towards a common goal with continued care and commitment to that partnership.

Our mission statement defines our purpose and key activities as the following:

    • Equipping nationals: Empowering individuals within these countries to lead and sustain ministry efforts.
    • Making disciples: Growing individuals in their faith and equipping them to share the Gospel.
    • Collaborating with local partners: Working alongside existing churches and organizations to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize impact.
    • Planting and strengthening churches: Establishing new congregations and supporting existing ones.
    • Fulfilling the Great Commission: Carrying out Jesus’ command to spread the Gospel and make disciples.

Project PG: A Hearfelt Plea for Yera in Piedra Gorda

  • We’re slowly but surely progressing with Project PG, aiming to build a home for Yera, (Yeison’s biological mother).
  • Land has been secured, and fundraising is underway. So far we have $1,050 dollars towards the project.
  • But, there are now two potential locations (very near to each other) that have been offered as the location for the home at no cost. One of the options is land that was donated to a group of pastors and missionaries I worked with in the past. Both plots are being evaluated to determine the best choice, all things considered.
  • Construction of the house could be completed in two months with sufficient funding.
  • Please consider donating, sharing this project and read more about the project here:

Personal Studies:

BCMS Mission Partners:

  • Leonel and Rafael’s updates have been reported separately but more often in the Facebook group. Both have been diligent in ministry, but are in need of our continued prayers.
  • Rafael is doing well but asks for prayers for his daughter Valentina. She has a gland in her face that is causing swelling, and they still don’t have any solid answers from the doctors. Please pray for Valentina. You can read more about some of the recent things that the Lord is doing through Rafael here 
  • Haiti continues in a state of emergency and the situation is becoming worse with each passing day. Continue to pray for Leonel and his family as the Dominican Republic continues to deport Haitians despite the current state of emergency.
  • Communication with Leonel has increased recently, thank God, and Leonel is presently putting together a list of their most urgent needs. They need everything, but mostly food. Amidst all the chaos in Haiti, brother Leonel remains faithful in his duties and compassionate to those in need around him.
  • Please continue to pray for these dear brothers.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

In Christ,

Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.




P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

You may begin sending your support to BCMS/Antonio Salgado at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website. To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field in case of emergencies. We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.


Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ. The following is an update from the mission field by BCMS worker, brother Rafael Rodriguez. Please continue to pray for our Project PG and our present and future mission endeavors.


“Greetings, dear brothers and sisters.

Here’s a report on some of our recent activities, all done for the glory of Christ.


By God’s grace, we’ve been visiting the children’s emergency room at the central hospital, providing food (around 60 arepas) and sharing the Gospel message of hope. This helps families in need, offering sustenance to hospitalized children (for those whose diets permit it) and their accompanying parents.

As you may know, we face a healthcare crisis. Medications are expensive, and medical care has significantly declined. Please join us in prayer, asking the Lord for his grace to help us overcome this challenging situation and the detrimental effects of the current system. It’s heartbreaking to see so many struggle with such basic healthcare needs.

Our outreach extends beyond the hospital. We’ve been actively preaching in public squares, distributing Christian literature, and engaging in conversations with people we encounter. This includes preaching and handing out materials on passenger vans as well.

Distribution of Christ centered literature:

The Lord has blessed us with the opportunity to continue supporting other pastors and preachers with more Christ-centered literature with the hope that they may become more Christ centered in their teaching and preaching ministries. Here are a few I most recently was able to share with.

Brother Ronny Morillo, a dedicated leader planting a church called “Las Riquezas de su Gracia” in a nearby town, received several Baptist confessions of faith and a family theology book.

The pastor and president of a Pentecostal federation (La Vida Verdadera church) with over 20 years of experience also received numerous books to enhance his preaching ministry.

Evangelist Rober Aranguren was gifted two books: “The Attributes of God” and “The Gospel of Grace.”

Additionally, a new church called the Church of God received several catechisms for their children’s Christian education program.

We are thankful for Chapel Library who sends these types of literature to many different countries. Please pray for the pastors and preachers receiving these valuable resources. May the Lord empower them in their preaching, allowing the message delivered from their pulpits to become increasingly Christ-centered.

Local Church:

Our discipleship program continues to flourish, with 14 individuals actively seeking membership in our local church. They are enthusiastic and growing in their faith.

We kindly ask for your continued prayers as we seek the Lord to raise up more pastors and deacons within our local church body.


We would greatly appreciate your prayers for our family, that we may continue to be a family that glorifies God.

In particular, we request prayers for my eldest daughter, Valentina. She has been experiencing inflammation in her parotid gland. Despite multiple tests and treatments, a definitive diagnosis remains elusive. Please pray for her health and for our peace of mind in the Lord.

Finally, we ask for your prayers for continued provision, allowing us to reach out and support more vulnerable individuals in our community.

May the peace of Christ be with you all.”

Rafael Rodriguez


Translated to English by Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.


“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5


If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry, you can easily donate online through PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to the mission field.





Update from Rafael Rodriguez Serving in Maracay, Venezuela

“Greetings brothers and sisters,

By the grace of the Lord, I was blessed to be able to go with my family to share the Gospel in a nearby community called Turmero. There is a new church is being planted there.

The person in charge of the mission is a very good and beloved friend of mine.  I spoke to the brethren that day on the mercy of God. There are presently about 12 brothers and sisters who gather regularly. The brother in charge is of a different theological background but is humble and open to learn. He and the group have been gathering diligently to study the doctrines of grace and the biblical Gospel. Praise the Lord for their desire to study and grow.

Please pray that the Lord will continue to help us, and help them, so that the Lord will bless the preaching of the Gospel in that community and that these brothers and sisters may continue to grow in knowledge and grace.”

The peace of Christ be with you.

BCMS Worker Rafael Rodriguez

Translated by Antonio Salgado

Please pray for our BCMS workers serving faithfully in hard places. May the Gospel continue to go forth, to God be the glory.

“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” – Philippians 1:3-5

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can donate to this ministry online with PayPal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the PayPal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us. Grace and peace.



A lo largo de la historia, en medio de hambrunas, plagas y persecuciones, la iglesia ha enfrentado muchos desafíos. Especialmente cuando se trataba de cómo manejar dos cosas, la proclamación del evangelio y ayudar a los necesitados de la sociedad en medio de eso. Estas controversias en las misiones no son nuevas. Cuando la puerta del ministerio se abrió a los gentiles en el libro de los Hechos, las cosas se complicaron aún más después de que Pablo y Bernabé enfocaron su atención en los gentiles en su trabajo misionero. Por supuesto, el contexto del debate en Hechos 15 fue determinar si los gentiles deben o no guardar la ley y ser circuncidados. Pero es generalmente cierto que, al cruzar la brecha cultural, habrá desafíos en la proclamación del Evangelio y para algunos, en la identificación de los detalles del papel de la iglesia con respecto a los problemas sociales y la contextualización. No hay escasez de personas perdidas o sufrientes a nuestro alrededor, y por lo tanto, ciertamente no ha cambiado hoy.

En todo caso, el problema solo se ha agravado a lo largo de los siglos a medida que los diferentes contextos culturales continúan siendo penetrados con la luz del Evangelio. Es hermoso e inspirador saber que el Evangelio se está llevando a los lugares más oscuros y difíciles, pero también conlleva desafíos reales para enfrentar y las necesidades cada vez mayores. Especialmente cuando se trabaja con los pobres. Puede ser un trabajo difícil, y de alguna manera es más fácil predicar que ensuciarse las manos para servir entre los indefensos de la sociedad en el frente. Pero no la conciencia de todos les permitirá ser oyentes de la Palabra solo cuando se encuentren cara a cara con las grandes necesidades de otros portadores de la imagen de Dios. Y las preguntas sobre qué deben hacer o no exactamente los misioneros han entrado en el debate en repetidas ocasiones. Por lo tanto, esta es una controversia que ciertamente me llama la atención. Es el debate aparentemente interminable entre lo que se conoce como priorismo y holismo.


Definiendo los términos

Debemos admitir que la iglesia no siempre ha hecho muy bien en matizar las cosas en el pasado, especialmente al desarrollar una teología que permita adecuadamente ambos lados de un problema como este. Pero antes de profundizar en el asunto en cuestión, quizás deberíamos tomarnos un tiempo para definir los términos un poco mejor. Dependiendo de con quién hable, las personas pueden tener algunas ideas diferentes cuando usan las mismas palabras. ¿Qué es exactamente el priorismo y qué es el holismo? ¿Son esas las dos únicas opciones?

En un artículo del Judson Center, Jay Flinn resume la historia del debate evangélico de la misión holística. Él escribe: “En las décadas siguientes, se ha escrito mucho sobre el tema de la misión holística. La mayor parte de lo que se ha escrito se puede resumir en tres posiciones principales relacionadas con la relación de evangelismo y acción social en la misión. Una posición conserva el énfasis en el evangelismo y la plantación de iglesias con poca consideración a la acción social. Una segunda posición sigue el modelo de evangelismo de Stott como la misión principal con la acción social cristiana como socio secundario. La tercera posición considera la acción social como una misión igual al evangelismo. Si bien existen variantes para estas posiciones y se pueden usar diferentes términos para describirlas, las variantes se definen en última instancia por la relativa prioridad y la relación de evangelismo y acción social entre sí”.


Entendiendo el Priorismo

Por un lado, del tema, hay quienes dicen que el Evangelio (y algunos incluyen plantar iglesias con eso) siempre debe ser lo principal. Y tienen razón, muy bien debería ser. Una declaración clásica sobre priorismo de Donald McGarvan afirma: “Una multitud de empresas excelentes nos rodean. Tan grande es el número y tan urgentes los llamados, que los cristianos pueden fácilmente perderse entre ellos, viéndolos a todos igualmente como una misión. Pero al hacer el bien, pueden fallar de lo mejor. Al ganar los preliminares, pueden perder el juego principal. Pueden tratar una picazón problemática, mientras el paciente muere de cólera. La cuestión de las prioridades no se puede evitar “.

Él hace un punto válido. Aquellos que se aferran al priorismo temen que algunos que se aferran a un enfoque más holístico hayan hecho del Evangelio una cuestión secundaria. Aunque debemos reconocer que es cierto para algunos, también debemos tener cuidado con la generalización imprudente. Pero gran parte de la confusión se debe a que las palabras reinventadas significan cosas distintas de lo que originalmente significaban. Esto solo enturbia aún más las aguas teológicas, causando confusión en lugar de ayudar a aclarar el tema. En estos días, muchas palabras como evangelismo, evangelio y misión pueden significar cosas diferentes de lo que solían ser. Por lo tanto, es importante que examinemos estos términos bíblicamente, de lo contrario no tienen límites en cómo se usan y pierden todo significado real.

Lo más probable es que sea el resultado a lo largo del tiempo de lo que se conoce como “deriva de la misión”. El CEO de Edify dijo: “Es la excepción de que una organización se mantiene fiel a su misión. El curso natural, la desafortunada evolución natural de muchas misiones originalmente centradas en Cristo, es ir a la deriva ”.

En un número de Evangélicas Misiones Trimestrales, se publicó un “simposio” en el que “se pidió a cinco líderes que expresaran sus puntos de vista sobre la relación entre proclamación y acción social, y solo uno presentó una aproximación a la posición prioritaria”. Esto es bastante desafortunado considerando que antes del primer Congreso de Lausana en 1974, el priorismo era la opinión dominante entre los evangélicos. Sin duda, los asuntos eternos tienen prioridad sobre los asuntos temporales.

Son correctos en su manera de mantener el evangelio como el foco principal de la misión. Pero para algunos en el extremo del espectro (prioristas estrictos), lamentablemente se ha convertido prácticamente en lo único que hacen. Este es un agujero enorme en su posición. Debido a esta falta en la teología de algunos quienes se aferran al priorismo, a menudo son acusados ​​de descuidar el mandamiento de amar a su prójimo en su intento de centrarse en el Evangelio. Estoy de acuerdo en que el Evangelio es la prioridad y debe estar en la parte superior de la lista para todos nosotros. Sin embargo, irónicamente, muchos de los que dicen ser apasionados por Cristo pueden aislarse de las comunidades a las que intentan llegar mostrando poco interés en su condición humana temporal de sufrimiento. Muchos lo interpretan como una falta de amor, no solo por la perspectiva opuesta, sino también por la comunidad perdida que siempre está mirando. Por lo tanto, no deberíamos ser tan rápidos para descartar por completo todo el enfoque holístico del ministerio. Algunas de las acusaciones a los prioristas estrictos son justas y deben abordarse. Pero siempre recordando que existen otras opiniones más equilibradas entre estas dos posiciones. John Stott finalmente cambió sus puntos de vista a favor de un enfoque más equilibrado de la Gran Comisión.


Entendiendo el holismo

En el otro lado del tema, hay quienes toman una misión más holística. Afirman creer y predicar el Evangelio también, lo que puede hacer que las cosas que dicen parezcan algo ambiguas. C. René Padilla, quien fue muy influyente al convencer a muchos de adoptar un enfoque holístico de la misión, dijo lo siguiente:

“La misión holística es una misión orientada a satisfacer las necesidades humanas básicas, incluida la necesidad de Dios, pero también la necesidad de comida, amor, vivienda, ropa, salud física y mental, y un sentido de dignidad humana. Además, este enfoque tiene en cuenta que las personas son seres espirituales, sociales y corporales, hechos para vivir en relación con Dios, con sus vecinos y con la creación de Dios. En consecuencia, presupone que no es suficiente cuidar el bienestar espiritual de un individuo sin tener en cuenta sus relaciones personales y su posición en la sociedad y en el mundo. Como Jesús lo vio, el amor a Dios es inseparable del amor a nuestro prójimo “.

En mi opinión, no está equivocado al decir que el amor a Dios es inseparable del amor a nuestro prójimo. Dentro de este campo hay quienes son acusados ​​de tener otro Evangelio, un evangelio de “justicia social”. Y para estar seguros, hay algunos en este campamento que no están muy centrados en el evangelio. En el peor de los casos, pueden ser de naturaleza casi completamente humanitaria con poca o ninguna enseñanza bíblica del Evangelio o del sonido. Algunos están distraídos y descuidan el verdadero evangelismo bíblico. Sin embargo, hay algunas cosas que un priorista estricto puede aprender de ellos. Usualmente son muy activos en servir a sus comunidades, alimentar a los pobres, defender a los débiles y los necesitados y hacer el bien a su familia de fe y a sus vecinos fuera de la iglesia. Aunque el evangelio es un asunto eterno y de mayor peso, al menos debemos admitir que estas son cosas buenas e importantes y no deben ser ignoradas. Y no todos los que adoptan un enfoque holístico de la misión se ajustan a la descripción de “guerreros de la justicia social” o no estarían completamente de acuerdo en una categoría u otra. Entonces, a medida que avanza el debate, la línea continúa pareciendo borrosa para algunos sobre cómo exactamente estas dos cosas deben encajar correctamente.


¿Una alternativa?

Debemos ser conscientes y estar dispuestos a admitir los peligros de una posición extrema en ambos lados. Esta es simplemente una de las muchas áreas de nuestra teología donde debemos aprender a vivir en la tensión y encontrar una manera de reconciliar las dos ideas, ya que ambas tienen bases bíblicas. Ciertamente no queremos caernos a ambos lados del caballo, por así decirlo. Hacerlo, creo, sería caer en algún tipo de error u otro. Debemos encontrar un mayor equilibrio bíblico, y aquí es donde Carl F. H. Henry es extremadamente útil.


Sus credenciales

Carl Henry es más relevante cuando se trata de esto por muchas razones. Él mismo dijo que era, de hecho, un priorista, pero que también mantenía la necesidad de la preocupación social. Henry fue uno de los arquitectos fundadores del movimiento evangélico moderno de EE. UU., Y probablemente ha dicho y escrito más sobre el tema que nadie, siendo él mismo extremadamente influyente, “llamando a los evangélicos a diferenciarse del fundamentalismo separatista y reclamar un papel para influir en la cultura americana más amplia. Participó en la creación de numerosas organizaciones evangélicas importantes, incluidas la Asociación Nacional de Evangélicos, el Seminario Teológico Fuller, la Sociedad Evangélica Teológica, la revista Christianity Today (de la cual fue editor fundador) y el Instituto de Estudios Cristianos Avanzados. El Instituto Carl F. H. Henry para la Participación Evangélica en el Seminario Teológico Bautista del Sur y el Centro Carl F. H. Henry para la Comprensión Teológica en la Universidad Internacional Trinity buscan continuar su legado “. Su visión de la necesidad de competencia teológica y compromiso cultural sigue siendo una de las alternativas más vibrantes en nuestros días. Era conocido por su compromiso con los rigores teológicos, su compromiso activo con los problemas sociales apremiantes de nuestros días, pero también por tener un compromiso inquebrantable con el evangelio de Jesucristo. Su libro “La conciencia inquieta del fundamentalismo moderno” (1947) fue una respuesta al movimiento fundamentalista separatista que sin darse cuenta se convirtió en un obstáculo para su propia causa de alcanzar a los perdidos con el Evangelio.

Henry habló elocuentemente sobre lo que durante mucho tiempo ha sido disputado por teólogos y misiólogos. El propio Henry había dicho que “estas tensiones ahora irritan a la iglesia como nunca antes en la historia reciente”. El tema ha generado mucha división entre los evangélicos, especialmente desde la controversia fundamentalista-modernista de principios del siglo XX.

En un ensayo sobre Carl Henry y su modelo “regenerativo” de evangelismo y preocupación social, Jerry M. Ireland cita: “El fundamentalismo respondió a la agenda social centrada en el ser humano de la teología liberal al retirarse principalmente del compromiso cultural y la acción social. En lugar de desarrollar una respuesta bíblicamente más equilibrada a los problemas sociales. Desafortunadamente, el fundamentalismo tendió a truncar la reverencia temporal del evangelio a favor de un enfoque exclusivo en asuntos eternos “.


Su modelo regenerativo

Hay mucho que aprender de Henry. Como señala Irlanda, Henry asocia estas dos tareas de la iglesia de una manera similar a C. H. Dodd, distinguiendo la palabra didache de kerygma. En las enseñanzas de Dodd, señala que “kerygma representa el mensaje único de salvación de la iglesia”. La proclamación del evangelio. Mientras didache, dice, “se refiere a las enseñanzas de la iglesia y las demandas éticas de las Escrituras”.

Henry creía que el kerygma se relaciona especialmente con el cumplimiento de la Gran Comisión. Kerygma es necesario porque es el medio que Dios usa para dar a conocer Su voluntad y el evangelio. Didache es necesario porque es el proceso de enseñanza que es esencial para la formación moral de una persona. Las enseñanzas de las Escrituras que Dios usa para traer crecimiento espiritual. Pero sin kerygma primero (proclamación del evangelio), no puede haber didache (discipulado). Y aunque kerygma y didache son ambos necesarios, no son necesarios de la misma manera.


Orden bíblica

La preocupación es buena, hacer y mantener el evangelio como la prioridad. Sin embargo, con un vistazo rápido a los imperativos en las Escrituras, la vida de Cristo y el ejemplo del apóstol Pablo, uno tendría dificultades para presentar el caso de que la preocupación por la condición humana sufriente de nuestro prójimo y la generosidad hacia ellos era algo opcional. Jesús tuvo compasión por las multitudes, Pablo dijo que estaba ansioso por ayudar a los pobres, y hay muchos otros ejemplos de por qué debemos hacer el bien a la familia de fe y a nuestro prójimo. A continuación se presentan solo algunos del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento.


Evidencia del Antiguo Testamento

El generoso será bendito, Porque da de su pan al pobre. (Proverbios 22.9 NBLA)

El que oprime al pobre afrenta a su Hacedor, Pero el que se apiada del necesitado lo honra. (Proverbios 14.31 NBLA)

El que cierra su oído al clamor del pobre, También él clamará y no recibirá respuesta. (Proverbios 21.13)

(Para más ejemplos miren a Proverbios 14.21, 29.7, 31.8-9, Ezekiel 16.49)


Evidencia del Nuevo Testamento

 En todo les mostré que así, trabajando, deben ayudar a los débiles, y recordar las palabras del Señor Jesús, que dijo: “Más bienaventurado es dar que recibir”». (Hechos 20.35 NBLH)

Solo nos pidieron que nos acordáramos de los pobres, lo mismo que yo estaba también deseoso de hacer. (Gálatas 2.10 NBLH)

Al que te pida, dale; y al que desee pedirte prestado, no le vuelvas la espalda. (Mateo 5.42 NBLH)

 La religión pura y sin mancha delante de nuestro Dios y Padre es esta: visitar a los huérfanos y a las viudas en sus aflicciones, y guardarse sin mancha del mundo. (Santiago 1.27 NBLH)

(Para más ejemplos miren a 1 Juan 3.17-18, Lucas 14.12-14, 12.32-34, 3.11)


La lista puede seguir y seguir y seguir …


También existe la evidencia de la historia a considerar. El impacto de la iglesia primitiva continúa siendo visible en la civilización occidental de hoy. Los historiadores señalan que “en la Edad Media, el cristianismo transformó las sociedades para mejor y continúa influyendo en la cultura dondequiera que se extendieron sus enseñanzas. La caridad alentada por las enseñanzas bíblicas (Lucas 10.30-37) eventualmente llevó a la fundación de hospitales, orfanatos, hogares para ancianos y cuidado de los pobres, los hambrientos y las personas sin hogar. Incluso muchas de las universidades más grandes y prominentes de nuestros días se fundaron originalmente para propósitos cristianos”. La tendencia de la iglesia a extender la compasión a los que sufren y los necesitados a su alrededor a lo largo de la historia, fue simplemente fruto de los cristianos que viven una vida transformada llena del Espíritu en obediencia a las Escrituras. Vivieron imitando el ejemplo de Cristo, motivados por el amor a Aquel que nos amó primero, y que se entregó sacrificialmente por nosotros. ¿De qué manera esto sería algo malo? Y con las Escrituras y la historia que atestiguan el patrón de audaz proclamación del Evangelio Y compasión y generosidad hacia los demás, ¿por qué sería diferente para la iglesia hoy?

No hay necesidad de debatir si la iglesia debe ser generosa o no con la familia de fe, pero por alguna razón hay personas que piensan que no debemos distraernos con problemas sociales o invertir demasiado tiempo o dinero en mostrar compasión. a otros portadores de imágenes que sufren. Henry ciertamente tuvo una elocuencia única sobre él a la hora de reconciliar este tema. A veces parecía hablar el idioma de ambos campos. Se aferró a mantener el Evangelio como una prioridad, pero manteniendo la preocupación social como algo importante y necesario.

No hay necesidad de debatir si la iglesia debe ser generosa o no con la familia de fe, pero por alguna razón hay personas que piensan que no debemos distraernos con problemas sociales o invertir demasiado tiempo o dinero en mostrar compasión. a otros portadores de imágenes que sufren. Henry ciertamente tuvo una elocuencia única sobre él a la hora de reconciliar este tema. A veces parecía hablar el idioma de ambos campos. Se aferró a mantener el Evangelio como una prioridad, pero manteniendo la preocupación social como algo importante y necesario.

Es importante tener en cuenta que aunque su modelo (el de Henry) sostuvo ambos puntos de vista según fuera necesario, no significa que ambos fueran iguales. Henry fue una crítica de las falacias liberales y seculares con respecto a la benevolencia de Dios. En el libro Controversias en las misiones, Jerry M. Ireland escribe que “Henry encuentra un motivo de preocupación entre las tendencias liberales y seculares … y advierte contra el evangelismo confuso y la preocupación social, o de reducir el evangelismo a simplemente atacar los males sociales o políticos. Hacerlo es cometer el último acto de falta de amor, ya que descuida la mayor necesidad de la humanidad, a saber, la redención personal y la regeneración sobrenatural “.

Jerry M. Ireland también hace una distinción importante cuando dice que está “ligeramente fuera de lugar decir que el evangelismo y la preocupación social son dos alas del mismo pájaro, o dos caras de la misma moneda”. Porque incluso la Escritura nunca iguala estas dos cosas de una manera tan abiertamente paralela, a pesar de que la Escritura defiende la necesidad y la importancia de ambas “. Debemos trabajar y vivir en la tensión que existe allí.

Al comprender las diferencias en kerygma y didache, se hace evidente por qué la proclamación del evangelio debe ser una prioridad en las misiones. Deberíamos querer que más personas vengan a Cristo. Como resultado de hacer discípulos, eventualmente se plantarán más iglesias. E históricamente, la iglesia ha sido un medio por el cual el bien se desborda naturalmente en el mundo que la rodea. Es una gracia de Dios, un beneficio de simplemente vivir cerca del pueblo de Dios. Sin embargo, lo que sucede en algunas iglesias es que el enfoque se vuelve mucho más interno, a lo que sucede dentro de las cuatro paredes de un edificio, y menos tiempo que la sal y la luz para quienes los rodean. La evidencia de esto se ve en lo poco que se designa para la benevolencia en los presupuestos de la iglesia local promedio.

Yo conozco personalmente a misioneros que se dieron cuenta del desequilibrio en sus ministerios de una estricta visión prioritaria y en realidad perdieron el apoyo de algunas iglesias, cuando debido a una “conciencia incómoda” (como lo llamaría Henry), se involucraron más para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de aquellos a quienes sirvieron además de la predicación y la enseñanza regulares. Fueron rechazados por algunos partidarios que eran prioritarios estrictos cuando adoptaron un enfoque más holístico para participar más en sus comunidades. Cuando un misionero decide obedecer las Escrituras en ambas áreas en amor por su próximo, y en realidad pierde el apoyo de las iglesias, esto no solo es trágico, ¡es una locura! El evangelio siempre debe seguir siendo lo principal, por supuesto, pero también debemos aprender a caminar en las buenas obras que nos prepararon (Efesios 2.10.) Se nos dice que amemos, pero no solo de palabra, sino de hecho también (1 Juan 3.18), y que nuestra fe sin obras está muerta. (Santiago 2.26)


¿Por qué no las dos cosas?

La pregunta es, ¿por qué no ambos? Carl Henry se consideraba un priorista, pero claramente creía y enseñaba que ambas eran tareas necesarias de la iglesia. Es posible predicar un Evangelio bíblico, con un énfasis importante en la evangelización, entrenando líderes y discipulado, al mismo tiempo que sirve a su comunidad, mostrando compasión por el sufrimiento siempre que sea posible. Es bastante desafortunado cuando quienes luchan por tratar de mantener un mejor equilibrio son acusados ​​de un “Evangelio social” cuando no se descuida la proclamación del evangelio, simplemente se agrega un mandato bíblico que faltaba. Estamos llamados a ser sal y luz, haciendo buenas obras para que otros puedan glorificar a nuestro Padre en el cielo. Después de todo, una fe genuina no es meramente intelectual y pasiva, sino una fe activa y activa.

Pero Ireland hace un punto que vale la pena recordar cuando se discuten estos temas. Él dice que “es importante que distingamos el evangelio en sí mismo de las demandas del evangelio y evitemos confundir los dos si queremos ser fieles a las Escrituras. Cuando se hace esto, podemos abogar por la prioridad del evangelismo y por una sólida preocupación social cristiana “.

También usa una ilustración útil de la vida cotidiana para demostrar esto. Él dice: “Imagínese si tuviera que ir a un banco para hacer un depósito para pagar sus facturas. Ir al banco sería la prioridad. Porque si el cheque no se deposita, las facturas no se pueden pagar. Claramente, una cosa es una prioridad y debe tener lugar primero, pero ambas siguen siendo necesarias. Debo depositar mi cheque y debo pagar mis facturas. Lo segundo depende de que lo primero ya haya sucedido y la prioridad de lo primero no hace que lo segundo sea opcional”. Es similar a esto con evangelismo y preocupación social.

Hacer del evangelismo una prioridad no debe significar descuidarnnos en los actos de compasión. Tampoco un enfoque holístico tiene que significar la negligencia del evangelismo, de ninguna manera. En este punto, los términos priorismo y holismo han adquirido tanto equipaje y significados diferentes que casi se han vuelto inútiles, especialmente cuando no se puede acordar lo que significan.

Hacer del evangelismo una prioridad no debe significar descuidarnnos en los actos de compasión. Tampoco un enfoque holístico tiene que significar la negligencia del evangelismo, de ninguna manera.

Pero cuando se trata de dar a conocer a Cristo a través del evangelismo audaz y mostrar compasión y amor a nuestro prójimo, digoque esto es el cristianismo bíblico del Nuevo Testamento, entonces, ¿por qué no ambos?

Autor- Antonio Salgado Jr.

Director Biblical Christian MIssionary Society

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

– Philippians 1:3-5


  1. SCOTT MOREAU. Mission and missions. ED A. SCOTT MOREAU. Evangelical dictionary of world missions. Grand Rapids. Baker Academic, 2000. 
  2. CHRISTOPHER R. LITTLE. The case for prioritism. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 671-672. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  3. CHRISTOPHER R. LITTLE. The case for prioritism. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 643. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  4. CHRISTOPHER R. LITTLE. The case for prioritism. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and  practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1112. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  5. CHRISTOPHER R. LITTLE. The case for prioritism SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 684. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  6. Wikipedia. Disponible en
  7. JERRY M. IRELAND. Concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1129-1130. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  8. JERRY M. IRELAND. Concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1134. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  9. JERRY M. IRELAND. Concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1380. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  10. JERRY M. IRELAND. Concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1134. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  11. TOMMORROW’S WORLD. How “Christianity” changed the world. Disponible en
  12. JERRY M. IRELAND. Carl F. H. Henry’s regenerational model of evangelism and social concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1288-1296. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  13. JERRY M. IRELAND. Carl F. H. Henry’s regenerational model of evangelism and social concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1296-1303. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  14. JERRY M. IRELAND. Carl F. H. Henry’s regenerational model of evangelism and social concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1387-1394. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8
  15. JERRY M. IRELAND. Carl F. H. Henry’s regenerational model of evangelism and social concern and the promise of an evangelical consensus. SCHEUEREMANN, ROCHELLE and CATHCART. Controversies in mission: theology, people, and practice of mission in the 21st century. Pasadena. Scheuermann, Rochelle and Cathart, 2016. Loc 1394-1402. ISBN: 978-0-87808-892-8



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Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the Paypal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us and helping this ministry. God Bless You!

BCMS Venezuela, Evangelism follow up with Jorge and Irma


Update from BCMS worker Rafael Rodriguez in Maracay, Venezuela

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

“We recently returned to the home of Irma and her only child, Jorge.

Irma has explained to us that Jorge has a condition called cerebral palsy with ataxia psychomotor retardation. Jorge suffers from epileptic convulsions, insomnia and has signs of autism.

His mother Irma is who takes care of him, and since she lives alone with him and due to his condition he requires so much attention, she cannot go to work.  She has expressed interest and has been very receptive to the Gospel. We have visited her several times and been able to help them with what we can, food and by bringing the word of the Lord.

Please pray for her, because certainly the burden she carries every day with her son in this condition is quite large.

Please pray for provision for her and for Jorge’s doctor’s appointments and for his treatments. May the Lord in His mercy grant them salvation.

In Christ,

Rafael Rodriguez”

(Translated to English from Spanish)

For more frequent updates, prayer requests and photos from the work in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela, join the private Facebook group “Biblical Missionaries and Church Planters” by simply clicking on the link below.

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you,[always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

– Philippians 1:3-5

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can donate to this ministry online with Paypal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.

To give specifically to help Irma and Jorge for medications or other needs, please specify by writing “Irma y Jorge”, when making your donation to properly designate funds.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the Paypal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us and helping this ministry. God Bless You!




BCMS Venezuela, Evangelism and follow up in Maracay

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

The following was reported by BCMS worker Rafael in Maracay, Venezuela about an evangelism outing and follow-up visit.  We are hoping to get some better technology for quality videos and images in the future, but this is a wonderful clip of Rafael emphasizing the real need for Christ over all, yet showing love and compassion in serving and helping these vulnerable, elderly siblings over time during several visits.

“By the grace of Christ we have been bringing food to vulnerable people in the community of Guasimal, it is the community where our local church operates.

We visited Nina again, and this time her sister Carmen accompanied us.

Please pray for them, Nina is very attentive to the preaching of the gospel, but her sister Carmen is not, pray particularly for Carmen so that the Lord opens her heart to the gospel.

We were sharing the Word of the Lord with her and her siblings and bringing them some food.

They are a family of three older siblings, Nina, Carmen. And his brother Jesús, Jesus is blind, he hardly lis able eave his room. The three of them are in a very critical condition financially, and we have been able to serve him with food and also with some things that he lacks at home, such as light bulbs, lamps, power outlets. etc. Pray that the Lord continues to help them.”

For more frequent updates, prayer requests and photos from the work in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela, join the private Facebook group “Biblical Missionaries and Church Planters” by simply clicking on the link below.

Biblical Missionaries and Church Planters FB Group

 I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you,[always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. – Philippians 1:3-5

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can  donate to this ministry online with Paypal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministryThis is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the Paypal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us and helping this ministry. God Bless You!

BCMS Monthly Prayer Letter


Greetings friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,


Earlier this month we sent out an end of year report on how we finished 2022 in the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela. You can read that update at the link below.


Forgive the tardiness of this update. We have been having some technical issues uploading photos to the website. Hopefully it will soon be resolved. We are set for our focus here in the Dominican Republic for 2023. We understand that the results depend on the LORD, but we are very aware of the responsibility we have of being diligent as well. We pray and depend on the LORD, but we also plan accordingly to not be in the air or without direction. So for us, it is easy. We plan and work to obey the clear teachings of Scripture for the church, and at the same time we pray about the unknown details, simply trusting the LORD. Having said that, the work plan is pretty detailed and includes general objectives, specific objectives, “smart” indicators to measure progress in each of the five departments, logistics and at the school in at least five aspects of holistic development, physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development.  I’m feeling motivated, I have a good team and have been noticing a small change for the better in a few things. Others are noticing it too, praise God. But there is still so much to do, so your prayers are very much needed and appreciated.


We have been working on the Venezuela and Haiti plan. This week, I have done video calls with the other workers to discuss some of the details, and there is still a lot to talk about. But they are motivated and their faithfulness despite the circumstances they face has been so encouraging. 


Here in the DR, a lot of time and effort is dedicated to the orphanage. I simply have a lot of responsibility there. But it is very much ministry, and every day is an opportunity for Gospel conversations and counseling. With 90% of the children we receive having been victims of sexual abuse, you can begin to imagine the trauma and pain we deal with in these children. So very much of the work must include the Gospel and the consoling promises of God. However, we still receive donations of clothes, food and medicine for distributions in the poor areas in and around the city and use the opportunity for evangelism as well. At the orphanage, I do Bible studies, catechism with the kids, verse memorization, devotionals with the staff, apart from the regular operational stuff that comes with my position. Prayers for wisdom in prioritizing and in time management are very much appreciated.


I will be in Indiana in February for an intense week of biblical counseling training. So I am very thankful to the orphanage and Faith Church in Lafayette that is making that possible.  I am trying to extend my stay for a couple of days in Florida to take care of some paperwork and possibly see family, Lord willing. But I am looking forward to the teaching, fellowship and the hope of learning more to be better equipped when counseling those that are scarred by trauma. .


We experienced a 5.6 earthquake Wednesday morning. On my way to the orphanage, just after 7 in the morning, I began to receive messages from my team. It was a hectic morning, but no damages or injuries, praise God. The experts say we are in for a big one soon, and there are tremors all over the island all the time. So we will be working on our evacuation drills just in case. Plan A, and a plan B. Since there is a dam nearby, the river, the bridge to get here, there are a lot of things against us if a real disaster were to strike. The buildings are built tough, but if the dam were to break, that’s another story. Pray the Lord would protect these children from such a situation. The head of the red cross here says we are best if we stay put, unless the dam breaks. If that were to happen, I don’t even want to think about what the results could be. We hope for the best and try to prepare for the worst and trust the Lord.


In Haiti, brother Leonel is staying busy as usual. Between open air preaching in the mornings, evangelism throughout the week, and working with the children and youth of his church. As of most recent, he has been teaching frequent bible studies with 4 new believers. Please pray for these men and women to grow in grace and in knowledge. Or even as Paul prays for the saints in Colossians, 


For this reason also, since the day we heard this, we haven’t stopped praying for you. We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, so that you may have great endurance and patience, joyfully  giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light. – Colossians 1:9-12


We are now in the process of trying to purchase a motorcycle for Leonel. The one he had is now beyond repairs. And where Leonel lives, there is no electricity, no running water and everything is quite a distance since he lives in a rural area outside of Juana Menthe  called Savange Longe, and even to go get water to cook and bathe can be hard. But Leonel used his motorcycle to take his family to church, visit the brethren at their homes for discipleship, Bible studies at the church building, evangelism, and to work at the border. We are praying now about trying to meet this need for this faithful brother and found a good one for a decent price. Pray that the Lord makes it possible for this to happen. We would love to be able to bless him in this way. Especially since we know it will help Leonel be more effective in his ministry and help his family as well.


In Venezuela, brother Rafael is doing quite a bit himself. Apart from the responsibilities within his local church, preaching at another church often, open air preaching, evangelism in different areas of Maracay and Tejerías and where all the flooding happened. He is also preaching the Gospel in another neighborhood near his home now. Just about three months ago, his local church relocated after the blessing of having a property donated for a building. They have quite a bit done on the building already. But what is nice about it is the location. The church building is right in a central part of town and has several apartment complexes surrounding it. There is a potential of reaching so many people that live near there with the Gospel. May the Lord bless the efforts and plans that have been made so far. Please pray for both Leonel and Rafael and the brothers and sisters that serve with them in these difficult places. 

BCMS is growing, and we are still in need of new mission partners for 2023. There is so much we want to accomplish this year, so we are praying for  provisions as we grow, and more needs arise. We hope to be able to support another worker this year, Lord willing. But we still need a few things we would like to accomplish for each present worker and are praying to be able to set up an emergency fund for us, which would be a wise thing to do considering the circumstances in these countries. Things are tough out here and we really could use your help. So pray for us that the Lord would bring new mission partners on board willing to pray for us, those we serve and support the work being done.
It’s not easy for me to get back to the States often enough, so we count on the saints back home to pray, share the newsletters, the needs and be willing to help meet these needs. Thank you for your prayers and support and God bless.

In Christ,

Antonio Salgado

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you,always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

– Philippians 1:3-5

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can  donate to this ministry online with Paypal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministryThis is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the Paypal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us and helping this ministry. God Bless You!


My beloved friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Chrst, the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus be with all of you.

End of year updates from the mission fields.

Rafael in Venezuela

Grateful again to the Lord for granting the privilege to be in the Tejerías area again. And to be able to serve these people in this community affected by the disasters that occurred more than a month and a half ago.

We spent the last couple of months taking the Gospel to two affected communities. These were the two communities that received a massive amount of flooding, with disastrous results. Some of the testimonies that we have heard from the victims themselves actually surprised us a lot. They saw how all their efforts of many years was so quickly swept away. In the midst of this disaster, they lost houses, businesses, many material goods and, most unfortunate, they lost even family members. 

We pray to the Lord because we want to continue helping this community (Tejerías) since we identify with their sufferings, and we believe that it’s a good moment to show our love for them by being present and helping them in any way´that we can. Furthermore, we have already done much evangelism since we began visiting the victims here, and they are responding.

Something glorious is that despite the fact that many of them are very affected by the situation, they still want to hear the word of God, Something that we have not neglected at any time, we have spoken to them about their need to seek God and get close to Him through Jesus Christ. We even began to meet with a group who has shown interest in the Gospel and the plan is to continue.

Do not stop praying for the inhabitants of Tejerías, so that they can find hope, consolation and encouragement in Christ to continue forward in the midst of this unfortunate situation, and that the Lord can use us to proclaim the truth of the Gospel so that many of them can know the Lord.

To do this well, we will need the continued support and prayers of the saints back home. Funds for fuel, basic needs are still essential for those who lost everything, bibles, printed material for studies, and support for those doing the work is necessary. Please pray that the Lord will provide the funds in the coming year for the work being done in Maracay and Tejerías, Venezuela. Pray that the work continues, that more people of Tejerías and Maracay would trust in Christ, and even for a new church to be planted if the Lord so wills. Thank you and God bless you for the continues prayers and support.

In Christ,

Rafael Rodriguez

Leonel in Haiti

Grace and peace to all of you. May the lord bless you and your families during this special time of the year.

This year has not ben easy, but it has a blessed year. I thank God for the opportunity to serve him in and out of my church, the privilege to teach new believers, to do evangelism in Savange Longe and in Juana Mendez, and for the opportunity to serve with BCMS which has been a blessing to me and my family.

Through the prayers of the saints in the United States and the support we receive through BCMS, I would like to express my gratitude first to God, but also to each of you. Because through this, know that God has heard my prayers.

The work here in Haiti is difficult. Many people are not working and hungry, my country continues in turmoil, but I can rest knowing God is on the throne and Christ has promised to be with us until the end. Because of this, I am comforted and understand and continue to preach the Gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Apart from seeking work at the border when work can be found, I spend much time visiting new believers and doing Bible studies in their homes and in the church.  Many people generally receive me to listen when I go out to do evangelism, but it is very sad for me at times. Many people have nothing, they seek help and there is little that I can offer them. But we simply face the challenges put before us and we trust the Lord. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.

When we do the distributions, it is a great help for the people I visit, and for the suffering members of the church. Even a bag of rice and some oil is a help for many here in these difficult times, but something so simple can be very helpful, and their gratitude is obvious. There seems to be a better response when they can see that I genuinely care for them. Not only moving from one person I evangelize to the next, but taking the time to get to know them as I  give them hope and ask them about their life, a small bag of food and frequent visits has been a good approach. To me, it is important to show the love of Christ and not only preach about it.

If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacks daily food and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, stay warm, and be well fed,” but you don’t give them what the body needs, what good is it?

– James 2:16

In my culture, the church can be legalistic about clothing, and many of the people are poor. So there is difficulty sometimes in getting them to attend church at first since they are embarrassed that they have nothing to wear and how others may look at them.

But praise God, that even with these challenges, people are repenting and turning to Christ.  Please continue to pray for me and for my people. Even as creation groans under the curse of sin, God is doing a beautiful work in Haiti, and He will be glorified. Pray for the many needs of the ministry that we have. I trust that the Lord will provide through His church. Pray for my mother who is suffering from a heart condition, pray that my children will grow up to follow Christ, pray that the Lord would continue to provide for us and that the Lord would continue to use me as He sees fit. May God be glorified in Haiti in 2023!

In Christ Jesus,

Leonel Riviere

 Antonio in the Dominican Republic

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we close another year, I can’t help but reflect on the fact that this has been year number ten on the mission field! Over the years, the Lord has answered countless prayers, provided for me and many others, and to the glory of God, eternity for many has been changed.

This year was a bit of a roller coaster ride. But as we approached the end of the year, God began answering many prayers. This year we took on another BCMS worker (Rafael in Venezuela) which was a leap of faith. But God has been providing for him and for the many victims of the flooding for a few months now. Thank God for our mission partners.

Here in the DR, I spend much time and energy as the Director of Operations of the orphanage Red de Misericordia (Mercy Network.) During any given day there are countless evangelism opportunities here, moments of counseling troubled youth, and dealing with some cases that would absolutely break your heart. Vulnerable boys, girls and teens that come from the streets, every kind of abuse you could imagine (and sadly some you probably can’t), drugs, prostitution, neglect and extreme poverty. These kids need hope, these kids need Christ.

One thing I really enjoy is the context of the orphanage. It is connected to a solid church here and there are people who work here from several different countries. Italy, Japan, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, United Staes and Argentina. The Lord has brought the nations at our very  doorstep! I definitely feel as if the Lord brought me here for this. Even when I pastored the church in Hato Mayor, we would come to the orphanage with a group of volunteers from our church to pull lice out of the kid’s hair, help move beds and do maintenance, teach Bible to the little ones and mentor the teens ones whenever possible.

I am very thankful for the liberty I have here to evangelize and make changes as to what the children learn in their devotionals, and that I can choose resources and teaching topics that I know are edifying and are good for the them. There are times I have the opportunity to teach the employees on various topics, other times I translate for visitors from foreign countries, other times I am supervising activities and developing protocols, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each department to make improvements in the care of the children, plan the strategies and make rules that keep the children safe, healthy and learning. It is a 24-hour on call kind of job. It is not your average business that can simply close the doors on at a specific time. The children can get sick, have an emergency, or we can receive a child at any time of the night that comes to us through the police. Please keep me in your prayers for strength and wisdom.

As the director of BCMS, I must do the fundraising for the work we do in three countries, which is not a very easy task since I am overseas too. But this has been the best way to be a better administrator of the Lord´s resources. No one in the states is receiving a salary, so every donation can go directly to the mission field to working missionaries where it is needed.  One of the goals in 2023 is to find someone trustworthy who lives stateside who can help us with this important aspect of the ministry. I cannot make it back home often and the trips are short so help with fundraising would be a huge help and allow me to dedicate that time and energy into something else.

Apart from the work at the orphanage, we still make the time to do food, clothes and medicine distributions whenever we receive the donations. Those are mostly carried out in the barrios and bateys where the people who need them the most live. Please pray that the Lord would continue to provide for this as well.

One of the goals for 2023 is to increase activity, especially in the areas of evangelism and discipleship in all three countries. There are needs like transportation for Leonel in Haiti. The chinese motorcycles are the most economic and efficient modes of transportation in these countries. Leonel´s motorcycle is old and in very bad shape. He lives in a rural area where there isn’t even running water or electricity. And it’s crucial to his effectiveness that he is able to get around. It will need to be replaced soon, and he will need our help for that to happen. A decent one that will last can cost less than 3,000 dollars. One in the Dominican Republic would also help cut costs on fuel. The motorcycle can be filled with 12 dollars. In comparison it costs over one hundred dollars to fill up the van beacuse gas is so expensive here.  Pray about helping with this need.

We will need a supply of Bibles in Spanish and Haitian Creole for the new believers in the coming year. We will need new mission partners for 2023 to help cover the costs of travel, fuel, food and an emergency fund for each coutry. It is important that we reach this goal. In these developing countries, becoming ill without insurance or an emergency fund can be a death sentence. Since i am not able to get to the States very often, it is important to at least have the means to do so in case of an emergency. Please pray about helping with these needs.

Those who pray and give to missions, play a role just as important as those on the mission field.

This is a phrase I often use, and never get tired of repeating. Because if Christians could only grasp this concept and “own” the responsibility of involving themselves in missions, it would change everything! Then, the following fundraising effort would be much easier. Trust me, most missionaries actually don’t like asking for money. Most of us hate it. But, it is necessary to accomplish the task, and there is a very good biblical premise for a missionary making his needs known to fellow believers back home. So here it is.

We are in need of an extra $3000 a month to for the new year. With only 30 new mission partners that could easily happen. That is,  30 new donors for $100 a month, or 60 new mission partners at $50 dollars a month. These amounts will be generally distributed the following way, except in the case of an emergency or if another urgent need should arise. (There must remain some flexibility in the budget when needs are greater in one area than another.)

10 at $100 (or 20 new mission partners at $50) to be designated for the work in the Dominican Republic.

10 at $100 (or 20 new mission partners at $50) to be designated for the work in Haiti.

10 at $100  (or 20 new mission partners at $50) to be designated for work in Venezuela.

These amounts will allow us to financially support workers and meet the needs that arise in each place of ministry from month to month. Literally, to find only 30 people who are willing to be generous towards the mission is VERY possible in just A FEW churches.

This is actually not much at all for the believers back home. And you become a part of what God is doing among the nations! So bear with me for a second..

If only 30 individuals or families could commit to give ONLY $100 each month, it would allow us to do so much more and would give us the ability to work year round without having to  pause or wait to do mini fundraisers for each need or project  planned. That would be glorious!

All we need is the help of brothers and sisters like you, willing to pray and support, and willing to share these needs with friends, fellow believers and their local churches.

It’s not easy for me to get back to the States often enough, so we count on the saints back home to pray, share the newsletters, the needs and be willing to help meet these needs. Please consider helping if and where you are able to. Thank you and God bless.

In Christ,

Antonio Salgado

I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you,always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

– Philippians 1:3-5

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

If the Lord so lies on your heart to give back to Him by supporting this ministry:

You can  donate to this ministry online with Paypal. Click the donate button below to send support of any amount directly to the ministry. This is the fastest option to get funds to us. Click the link below for that option.


P.O. Box 219228
Houston, Texas 77218-9228
1-800-CMC-PRAY (1-800-262-7729)
Office: 281-599-7411
Fax: 281-599-7511

The ministry of (CMC) serves hundreds of missionaries, but they ONLY receive the funds for us and in no way have control over how the funds are to be spent or what we are to do as a ministry, which gives room to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and the liberty in making needed adjustments.

You may begin sending your support to the BCMS (Antonio Salgado) at any time at the address above. (Checks should be made payable to Central Missionary Clearinghouse or C.M.C.)

You can also now give to the ministry here in the DR online through the new giving solution called “click and give” at the CMC website.

To get started, you just need to click on the link below and register the first time. Just a simple click on the donate button on their page (see link below), and then click the “click and give icon/button”.

For tax exemption, you must send your donation through Central Missionary Clearinghouse (CMC) at the address above. But the Paypal option is the fastest way to get funds directly to the field.

We do not use a sending agency that gets a percentage of the money donated, so you can be sure that your gift goes directly to the mission field.

Whatever you decide, thank you so much for praying for us and helping this ministry. God Bless You!