Mission Update

We are in an exciting time in this ministry the Lord has entrusted to us. We are also in a transitional phase and making some important changes that we believe are for the better. We are always examining what we do in the ministry against God’s Word and seek to do things in a way that is biblical and most honoring to God.  Sometimes there are small adjustments to be made, and sometimes there are big changes that need to come about. Continue reading “Mission Update”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Well, July has come and gone and much had happened here and in our personal lives as well. I know many were praying for us and asking how we were doing since the chikunguya virus episode. Almost everyone we know here has had it or someone in their house has. Even our friend Kerianne from Ocala, who paid us a visit and stayed here with us for a month , came down with it. Everyone in our family except for our daughter Maya has had it. But, we are all feeling better now and pretty much back to normal. Thank you all for the prayers and concerns.

As always, we have been praying about how to make the best use of the time the Lord has given us here and trying to remain sensitive to any changes that may need to be made in order to best honor and glorify God. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord. Many of you  may have heard about the outbreak of the chikunguya  virus that is transmitted  through mosquitoes  that is all over the Caribbean and has made its way to the United States. There are lots of mosquitoes here and many of our brothers and sisters in the churches here have contracted the virus.  It causes a high fever, pain in the joints, headaches, and a rash. Some people get over it quickly but others have the symptoms for months. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, and brothers and sisters. Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Summer has now arrived. and with the Summer comes the visits from our short term missionary friends. The first team that came was a special group. The team was from First Baptist of Fall Branch Tennessee and was lead by Pastor Shawn Cutshall. This was this church’s first international mission trip. It was a pleasure to watch and serve with these brothers and sisters. It reminded me of my first mission trip years ago, and it was Pastor Shawn who lead that trip also when he was the Pastor of our sending church. They came and did a great job ministering  and meeting needs of the people here. There are many needs here, but their greatest need is Christ. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Everything Happens For A Reason


I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.- Psalm 57:2

This morning getting ready to go to Santiago, I woke up to a flat tire. I was supposed to be in Santiago by 8, or so I thought. I was tempted to get mad but didn’t. So Tonito and I went to a local “gomero” (tire fixer upper), and waited for someone to get there. I began to think maybe God let me get a flat tire to keep me from getting in an accident, the people here do drive pretty crazy. Maybe I just got a flat tire for no reason at all…but I seriously doubt that. You see, I believe not only in the providence of God, but the absolute sovereignty of God as well. Continue reading “Everything Happens For A Reason”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. As many of you know our family is now back in the Dominican Republic. We are very happy to be back “home”  ready and anxious to get back to work for the Lord. Our visit to the states was wonderful, but traveling so much sharing our ministry with others, visiting with family, living out of a suitcase, and working a part time job, we had quite a demanding schedule. Thank the Lord for His provision as He provided us transportation and a place to stay while we were in the States. He has always  provided for us what we need. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Prayer Requests

We are approaching the end of our visit here in the U.S. and we will be back in the DR before we know it.  Our good friends the Duncan’s have made it back to the DR safely with their new baby daughter on Tuesday. Please keep them in your prayers as they readjust to life in the DR with the new addition to the family. We are very thankful for all the people who have shown us such hospitality and love  everywhere we have been, and for everyone who financially supports this mission. But we are most thankful for the prayers. Continue reading “Prayer Requests”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter 20

Dear mission partners, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ. Greetings to  you in the name of our Lord. We are still stateside as I write this newsletter but by the time you receive next month’s newsletter, we will be back in the DR. This month our children will finally take their tests for school. Please pray that they do well. It has been difficult for the children to stay on track in school with all the traveling we have been doing, sharing our ministry and trying to raise support.
We have been here longer than we were on our last visit, but it has given Christen a chance to spend the extra time needed with her father who has alzheimer’s and dementia and has unfortunately been declining. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter 20”

Faith comes by hearing

We first would like to say thank you for everyone’s prayers for our family as we traveled. We are back in Ocala, Fl. now. We spent a few weeks on the road sharing with others about our family and ministry, the great needs and challenges we face, and the many things that God is doing in the DR that we are privileged to be a small part of. We met many brothers and sisters in different states and were overwhelmed to find out how many people knew about and have been praying for us. We are so grateful, and in so many ways we are in need of the continued faithful prayers of the saints back home. We are confident that the Lord hears them.  Thank you.

I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers,- Philemon 1:4 ESV

One of the biggest challenges we face in discipleing adults and training men for leadership is illiteracy. There are a lot of adults in the area we minister to who cannot read. There a several different reasons for this, Continue reading “Faith comes by hearing”

What is man?

I often wonder why an Almighty, Holy, and Sovereign God is concerned about my needs.  Who am I? I know Jesus said that we are not to be anxious about food or clothes, and that He provides for the ravens and we are of much more value than them ( Luke 12:24). But why does He provide so many times and is so faithful to do so? Now, I know it is because of who He is. And I know that He does not change, and because of this, whatever He has promised we can trust that He will do. But, in light of who He is and who we are, if God did not answer one more prayer, or provide one more thing, He would still be worthy of worship. It is thinking of all this that leaves me so in awe of Him. There is nothing special or worthy about me or anyone else, it’s just who He is. It’s all grace. Which makes His blessings and answered prayers that much more beyond my understanding.

Continue reading “What is man?”