Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour. We are in what is perhaps the most exciting season of ministry during our time here, or ever for that matter. We have been visiting and reaching out to the “barrios” surrounding the church and are establishing relationships with many in the area. The Lord is moving all around us. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter


Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

It is unbelievable how fast this year seems to be going by. In just three months we will have been here for three years now! We have been working hard at the church and praying for God to be glorified, and we are starting to see Him move. Little by little we are seeing new faces visiting the church, and some of them returning week after week. We have a new family that is interested in joining the church as well. Christen and I visited their humble home to get to know them better and ask them some questions about their family and see where they are spiritually. It will be a huge blessing to have another family added to the church’s core group. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First of all, thank you to all the people who regularly pray for and give towards our family and mission, and who God has used to keep us here on the ground doing ministry. Thank you and God bless you! There is so much to be thankful for and so much that the Lord has done as of late that it is difficult to know where to begin, but here’s an update on what we have been up to lately. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Are You Willing?

I sit here reading the several articles about our twenty one brothers who were brutally murdered for their faith. Since being called to pastor a small church here, at the beginning of the year I set a theme I would preach through which is focused on evangelism and discipleship. This month of February I have been preaching on the “The Cost of Knowing Christ and Making Him Known”, primarily from the texts of Matthew 10 and Luke 14. With the events that have transpired in Libya, I sit here with the words of our Lord echoing in my head. Continue reading “Are You Willing?”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Another year has come and gone. By God’s grace, His unmerited favor, we are here. As we reflect on all the Lord has done and allowed us to be a part of since we have come here to serve and proclaim, we are left in awe of Him. The people’s lives we have had the opportunity to speak into, the many places we have had the opportunity proclaim Christ and His Gospel, the many Bible studies and lessons I have had the privilege to teach to young believers and see them grow, the divine appointments with people that the Lord has used to bring about so many things like the land and church building in Boruco. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear mission partners, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord (Ephesians.1:2). Time is flying and it is hard to believe that this is already the third Christmas that our family will spend here. God has been faithful and we give thanks unto Him. We are thankful for His provision, thankful for His promises, and thankful for His love. We are also thankful for every one of our supporters that God was pleased to use as instruments of provision, those who faithfully pray for and sacrificially give towards our missionary endeavors here in the DR. Thank you. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newletter

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you for your faithful giving and prayers. We are so very grateful for those the Lord has given us as supporters and for the way our family and ministry is prayed for by many so frequently. We are blessed, thank you.

Since our move from Esperanza to Santiago, we have done much praying as to some of the details on our new assignment. Sometimes, thinking we would  doing “this” when in fact, what the Lord had planned was “that”. It has been interesting looking back now and seeing how the Lord used people and circumstances to guide us to the just the place He would have us. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newletter”

Salgado DR Mission Newsletter

Dear friends, mission partners, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Those of you who follow us on facebook may be up to date on the transition we are in as a ministry. We have been moving our family and belongings to another rental home we were able to find rather quickly, praise the Lord. We are now in the city of Santiago. While we adjust to the change of a new home and new people, we are looking forward to this new chapter of ministry and the new people God is bringing into our lives. Continue reading “Salgado DR Mission Newsletter”

Mission Update

We are in an exciting time in this ministry the Lord has entrusted to us. We are also in a transitional phase and making some important changes that we believe are for the better. We are always examining what we do in the ministry against God’s Word and seek to do things in a way that is biblical and most honoring to God.  Sometimes there are small adjustments to be made, and sometimes there are big changes that need to come about. Continue reading “Mission Update”